I had a conversation with mgoldmann and msavy in #fedora-qa about the
upcoming cloud test day and wanted to summarize what was discussed. I
don't mean for this to be final so if I'm missing something, please
correct me or add to this.
Proposed Testing Targets:
- F15 EC2 AMIs
* Should be built in the next couple of days
- BoxGrinder
EC2 Test Cases:
- ???
BoxGrinder Test Cases:
- Deploy pre-defined appliances to local cloud
* VMWare, KVM
- Deploy pre-defined appliances to remote cloud
* EC2, others?
- Create new appliances to deploy
- With support docs to help with the process
BoxGrinder TODO:
- Figure out setup instructions
* Talked about liveimage with BG + support stuff
* Discussed scripts to setup local environment
* BG meta-image?
- Determine "PASS" and "FAIL" requirements
* What makes a BG deployment successful?
General TODO:
- Create wiki page for test day
* mgoldmann and msavy said that they would take care of the initial
page, at least
- Create and test test cases
* QA is willing to help on this