You have been invited to the following event.
Title: Fedora Release Tools Demo (Live Broadcast)
The hangout will be broadcast live & posted:
Q&A - #fedora-meeting
Purpose: The purpose of a demo is to show our stakeholders what we
completed this iteration, get feedback from them about the changes & set
some context and expectation with them about our direction.
Demo agenda & previous demos can be viewed here:…
Highlights today:
- Koji signed repos
Signed repos changes in staging instance
Comps support
- Layered Images
Distgit & pkgdb changes to support containers
- Pungi
Large set of Pungi changes since last demo
- Livemedia-creator
Updates to spin kickstarts files
Koji uses livemedia-creator to create livecds instead of
- Other
Tunir test automation to verify AMIs in EC2
BugYou official release, docs publication & autocloud plugin
When: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12pm - 1pm Eastern Time
Where: Hangout on Air / YouTube live stream
Calendar: acarter(a)
* acarter(a) - organizer
* rbarlow(a)
* twaugh(a)
* mmcgrath(a)
* server(a)
* rel-eng(a)
* desktop(a)
* kasingh(a)
* rcm-tools(a)
* sgallagh(a)
* aos-devel
* cloud(a)
Event details:…
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To stop receiving future updates for this event, decline this event.
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#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Cloud WG
Meeting started by kushal at 17:01:46 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Roll Call (kushal, 17:01:55)
* Action items from last meeting (kushal, 17:03:44)
* Fedora Cloud FAD (late 2015/early 2016) (kushal, 17:05:44)
* ACTION: dustymabe to update #115 after talking to mhayden (kushal,
* vagrant boxes fixups
(kushal, 17:08:50)
* ACTION: kushal to work on
(kushal, 17:10:06)
* Produce updated cloud base images (kushal, 17:12:37)
* Producing 2 week atomic images (kushal, 17:14:10)
* Proposals for F24 features
(kushal, 17:16:50)
* LINK: (kushal,
* AMI lifetimes (Cloud WG members vote needed) (kushal, 17:23:08)
* Create and host a Fedora 23 Cloud image supporting all languages (kushal, 17:26:58)
* LINK: (redirects to
alt.fp.o./live-respins (linuxmodder, 17:33:38)
* ACTION: kushal will build an unofficial image with all lang packs
for #146 (kushal, 17:39:13)
* Don't overwrite download location for 2 week atomic images (kushal, 17:39:20)
* Container "Packager" Guildelines and Naming Conventions (kushal, 17:45:22)
* Open Floor (kushal, 17:53:08)
Meeting ended at 18:02:24 UTC.
Action Items
* dustymabe to update #115 after talking to mhayden
* kushal to work on
* kushal will build an unofficial image with all lang packs for #146
Action Items, by person
* dustymabe
* dustymabe to update #115 after talking to mhayden
* kushal
* kushal to work on
* kushal will build an unofficial image with all lang packs for #146
* mhayden
* dustymabe to update #115 after talking to mhayden
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* kushal (122)
* dustymabe (45)
* striker (29)
* maxamillion (28)
* zodbot (22)
* rtnpro (17)
* linuxmodder (12)
* tflink (11)
* number80 (10)
* jsmith (9)
* adimania (3)
* fhackdroid (3)
* imcleod (2)
* mhayden (1)
* sayan (1)
* trishnag (1)
* gholms (1)
* praveenkumar (1)
* jbrooks (1)
* adamw (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Fedora Cloud Engineer
CPython Core Developer
CentOS Cloud SIG lead
Hey all - have to send regrets for today's meeting. In in-person
meetings today.
Joe Brockmeier | Community Team, OSAS
jzb(a) |
Twitter: @jzb |
The Fedora 24 schedule [1] is winding up, and it's time we started
thinking about what we'd want to have a test day for. There are several
changes accepted already for F24, and the window for proposals is still
open so more may come. You can find the list of accepted Changes here:
Please take some time and look through the list and see if there's
anything you'd be interested in testing - or if there's something you
think should get some testing that isn't in the ChangeSet!
For those of you not familiar with them, a test day is an online event
aimed at testing a specific feature of an upcoming Fedora release. By
utilizing IRC for organization/coordination and a Wiki page for
instructions and results, test days are easy to organize. Anyone can
request to host a test day or request that the QA team help you out
with the organization of the test day. A test day can be run for any
feature or area of a distribution that focused testing would be useful
for. More information on test days can be found here: .
To propose a test day, file a ticket on the QA Trac. A full explanation
can be found here:
The SOP for hosting a test day is here:
Traditionally test days have been held on Thursdays, but if you'd
prefer to have it on another day that's fine too. We're pretty
flexible, but having plenty of lead time helps to get the word out.
Just put in your ticket the date or time-frame you'd like, and we'll
figure it out from there.
If you have any questions about test days or the process, please don't
hesitate to contact me or any other QA Team member in #fedora-qa on
Freenode or respond on the test list.
Thanks and happy testing!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | adamwfedora
Hi folks,
For those who may have missed this via devel-announce, the release is
slipping by two weeks and therefore the F24 Changes submission deadline
has slipped to the 26th:
(Completion deadline is now 1 March for "testable" and 12 April for 100%
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Changes in F24 schedule - two weeks slip
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 03:23:55 +0100
From: Jan Kurik <jkurik(a)>
Reply-To: devel(a)
To: devel-announce(a), Development discussions
related to Fedora <devel(a)>
Hi Fedora people,
let me inform you about changes in Fedora 24 schedule.
There is a will to accommodate GCC6 compiler in F24 and use it to
compile all the binaries delivered in this release [1]. To make this
happen we need to do mass rebuild which was not originally scheduled
for this release. On FESCo meeting the last Friday has been decided to
go on with GCC6 and do the mass rebuild. This causes slip of F24
schedule for 2 weeks. Please check the updated schedule at .
Dates for the most important milestones follows:
2016-03-15 Alpha Release
2016-04-26 Beta Release
2016-05-31 Fedora 24 Final Release (GA)
Jan Kuřík
Platform & Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99/71, 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
devel-announce mailing list
Joe Brockmeier | Community Team, OSAS
jzb(a) |
Twitter: @jzb |
Dear all,
You are kindly invited to the meeting:
Fedora Cloud Workgroup on 2016-01-13 from 17:00:00 to 18:00:00 UTC
At fedora-meeting-1(a)
The meeting will be about:
Standing meeting for the Fedora Cloud Workgroup
#133: Hand off Atlas release process for vagrant boxes to releng
Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: dustymabe
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future
Component: --- | Keywords:
We are going to start releasing our vagrant boxes in Atlas. Right now the
process is manual and not handled by releng.
We are planning to give releng full access and insight into the process
and work with them on making it something that can be automated and
something they can own (with help from us). A few steps we need to take:
1. Have a meeting (google hangout) with releng to show them what is done
2. Give releng access
3. Help develop a way to automate it and make it reproducible for next
Ticket URL: <>
cloud <>
Fedora Cloud Working Group Ticketing System
#121: Migrate all Dockerfiles / Images to systemd where possible
Reporter: scollier | Owner:
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Future
Component: --- | Keywords:
There are some images that still use supervisord. We need to migrate
those to systemd. One example:
Ticket URL: <>
cloud <>
Fedora Cloud Working Group Ticketing System