#56: tracking ticket for conversations around shipping ostree... trees. -------------------------------------------+------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: blocker | Milestone: Fedora 21 Component: Collaboration & Communication | (Branch) Keywords: | Resolution: -------------------------------------------+-------------------------------
Comment (by mattdm):
So, some questions:
1. How to get a starting-point ostree repo built in koji? 2. How to get updates to that? 3. Can this be put on the existing mirror network as is? 4. If not, can changes be made so that it'll work? 5. What changes? (Deltas?) Who will make them and when will they land? 6. If we can't do that, do we have a fallback?
I'm not sure what exactly the QA questions are, other than "this is another thing we'll need to test".