#48: remove rsyslog from default image, configure journald options appropriately ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Alpha) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by johannbg):
I should also mention that it's not enough to simply remove rsyslog from the cloud image, each package that ships service/daemon needs to split out their rsyslog and syslog-ng configuration file as well as their accommodating logwatch files ( which are roughly 100 components ) into their own sub package to properly prepare and integrate components and journal into the distribution.
I filed a request two years ago with FPC in attempt to get the guidelines fixed so I could fix this when I do the systemd cleanup process well that ticket is still open and unresolved, perhaps the cloud community has more luck with the FPC if you are going to start doing the necessary legwork to do this work.