The quantum network side is not covered in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_EPEL#Adding_a_... so I'm trying to clarify this.
On a second node I've followed the instructions in the wiki minus the network obviously since I'm running quantum+openvswitch (hybrid). I'm applying some of the instructions found here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Quantum_V2#Setup but when I'm doing "quantum-server-setup --plugin openvswitch" it's asking me to install mysql, the scripts should be modified to also ask if there's a DB running elsewhere (i.e. on the controller).
Anyway, I let it do its thing, install mysql and setup nova.conf, then modified nova.conf with the quantum section from the controller's nova.conf. Now my question is - in this case quantum_admin_auth_url and quantum_url on the node should they point to localhost or to the controller's address?
I'm thinking quantum_admin_auth_url should point to the keystone service on the controller's IP and quantum_url should be http://localhost:9696/?
quantum.conf - qpid_hostname should point to the controller's IP quantum/api-paste.ini - [filter:authtoken] auth_host should be the controller quantum/l3_agent.ini - auth_url should point to the controller plugins/openvswitch/ovs_quantum_plugin.ini - sql_connection should be using the controller's mysql server
Let me know if any of that is wrong or I missed some other settings that should be notified.
Regards, Lucian