On Oct 29, 2015 9:30 AM, "Josh Boyer" jwboyer@fedoraproject.org wrote:
thinking... :)
Also, one of the CentOS GSoC projects was "Flamingo" "a lightweight contextualization tool that aims to handle initialization of cloud instances." [1] Maybe this is something we could look at for F24? CC'ing Tamer Tas, the student who worked on that. (It's targeted at being a cloud-init replacement for Atomic, so...)
That might be nice for "get rid of python" reasons. If it had cloud-init compatibility that would be even better, since people wouldn't need to migrate their provisioning infrastructure.
CoreOS has built cloud-config as a Go implementation of cloud-init to get around the python problem.
Did they tell anyone they were doing that? I'm curious if we have two groups that could be working together here that are now duplicating effort simply because of lack of communication.
At least mattdm knew of it because he mentioned it to me once when I was beating my head against the wall with it.