On Oct 27, 2015 7:24 PM, "Bruce Harrison" <bfharrison@ruwachgroup.com> wrote:
> Matt,
> Although I just downloaded the Fedora Cloud, I want to test it and, if it is what I am looking for, let some of my customers who live on DeskTone, give this a test drive from a fast thumb drive on a laptop or even a modified Chromebook. These people are attorneys and real estate professionals that need the dependability of the cloud without Redmond controlling how they use the vehicle to get there - something lean and mean.
> If the team can get it smaller and it can access DeskTone, the universe may expand more quickly.
> Bruce
You have me a little confused, Bruce. Fedora Cloud is an image intended to run in the cloud, to *build* services like DeskTone. You don't run it on bare metal, at least not without a lot of work - at which point, you may as well start with something different. Fedora might do what you're looking for - but what is that?