#48: remove rsyslog from default image, configure journald options appropriately ------------------------------+-------------------------------- Reporter: mattdm | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Fedora 21 (Alpha) Component: Cloud Base Image | Resolution: Keywords: | ------------------------------+--------------------------------
Comment (by johannbg):
How much memory is the journal consuming on the cloud images?
You can run the following to check it out
pmap `pidof systemd-journald` | grep total | awk '{ hr=$2/1024 ; printf("Systemd Journal Total Memory Usage" "%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) { printf("%s ",$x) } print "" }'
Now you can turn of persistent storage in the journal /etc/systemd/journald.conf by changing Storage=auto to "none" to reduce memory consumption but i'm unsure if that would be a reasonable solution for cloud images