#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Keywords: meeting -----------------------+--------------------- An extension of https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/94
We have elected to release cloud base images monthly for the "current" release of Fedora. The releng infra is in place to do this already, we just need appropriate testing and process around it to release new images and verify they aren't broken.
This ticket will track progress/status of this.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by pbrobinson):
You have rel-eng and QA buy in for this?
I'm especially interested in the QA side of things given the failures in F-23 that I've seen no follow up from in the retrospective ticket
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
I've talked with dgilmore about it. The images are being built already. As far as QA buy-in the only contact from there that I really interface with is roshi, who has been a part of the discussions in the past. Should we formally reach out to adamw or someone else to have a conversation around this?
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by tflink):
I have several concerns here that I suspect will be echoed by the rest of QA:
* Who's signing up to make sure that enough testing gets done? This can't be just roshi
* Assuming that the testing follows a process similar to the releases, what format are the test matrices goign to take on the wiki? How should they be named?
Bringing the topic up at the next QA meeting would be a good way to approach getting QA buy-in.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
I'll be at the meeting on Monday at 16:00 UTC. If we can't get QA buy in then we won't do this.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
The QA meeting was canceled today.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by kushal):
Last time when we discussed about this we came to a decision about testing the updated images by Cloud WG itself as QA is already overloaded. I will have to find that IRC log (must be somewhere).
In the Fedora 22 cycle I had created one ticket [1] for the update, but may be it was lost.
[1] https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6219
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by kushal):
As decided in the meeting on 2015-01-06 we will release an update cloud base image this month (hopefully by next week). I will discuss with rel- eng and update the list with the details.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
Some information has come to light about the release process around the 2 week atomic image releases. Adam has decided to scrap the existing release process and write it from scratch.
Considering the existing release process is "duct tape and band-aids" we are going to scrap the idea of releasing updated cloud images until the F24 release.
On a side note: Does the recent uncovering of the glibc cve affect our decision that we made not to do a one-off release of Fedora cloud (half way between F23 and F24)?
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by jzb):
"''On a side note: Does the recent uncovering of the glibc cve affect our decision that we made not to do a one-off release of Fedora cloud (half way between F23 and F24)?''"
I'd really prefer we stick to the one-off release, and perhaps accelerate it.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by ausil):
I will note that the process that makes the nightly atomic composes also makes all the cloud images. They are there, we just need to release them.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------
Comment (by dustymabe):
Replying to [comment:10 ausil]:
I will note that the process that makes the nightly atomic composes also
makes all the cloud images. They are there, we just need to release them.
Yep. You are right. I brought this up but from what I understand the actual process to get the images into the right download locations and updated on the website was more of a pain than it is worth. I believe Adam is the person who has the most information about this (at least when we were having the discussion).
The discussion we had took place before the glibc vulnerability so it may now be worth the extra work.
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+----------------------- Changes (by jzb):
* owner: => kushal * status: new => assigned
#138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: | -----------------------+----------------------- Changes (by kushal):
* keywords: meeting =>
We are not doing this till F24 release. Mean while we have to find out the exact steps required to get the updated image out as a release.