Hi everyone. I just posted a message about Fedora cloud (and about me) on the devel list, which I hope you'll find interesting. In short, Red Hat is making it possible for me to devote myself full time to making this awesome. I've posted here sporadically in the midst of my busy day job, but hadn't had the time to participate as much as I'd have liked. That's changed now, as this *is* my busy day job.
There's three main parts to my role here:
* Assembling a strategic plan and helping to make it happen
* Working on stuff that needs a hand (including making sure that everything we need to be doing gets the required resources)
* Communicating the excellent work that's going on to the world
and there's going to be a lot from me on all of those things coming to this very SIG really soon, but for now I just wanted to say hi.
(Also, I will be hanging out regularly on IRC once I get myself settled in to the new flow.)