dustymabe reported a new issue against the project: `atomic-wg` that you are following: ``
There appears to be a period of downtime where fedimg was not uploading AMIs
Fedora-Atomic-25-20170226.0.x86_64 EC2 (us-west-2) ami-5051d230 hvm gp2 Fedora-Atomic-25-20170304.0.x86_64 EC2 (ap-northeast-1) ami-8cb2e5eb hvm gp2
Attached is a run of [get_ami.py](https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/blob/master/f/tools/get_ami.py) which shows a gap.
Can someone investigate why this happened?
<!!image> ``
To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/246
The issue: `Period of fedimg downtime` of project: `atomic-wg` has been assigned to `sayanchowdhury` by dustymabe.
dustymabe added a new comment to an issue you are following: `` I guess we can close this - but we should keep an eye to make sure things don't regress. ``
To reply, visit the link below or just reply to this email https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/246
The status of the issue: `Period of fedimg downtime` of project: `atomic-wg` has been updated to: Closed by dustymabe.