#152: Fedora Coud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Keywords: meeting -----------------------+--------------------- We need to schedule something for F24 and try to get community involvement.
#152: Fedora Coud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+----------------------- Changes (by dustymabe):
* owner: => kushal * status: new => assigned
#152: Fedora Coud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by kushal):
What about 2nd of May? The day before beta?
#152: Fedora Coud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by kushal):
Setting the date as 10th May, Tuesday.
#152: Fedora Coud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+----------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: assigned Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+-----------------------
Comment (by kushal):
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016_05_10_Cloud is the test day page.
#152: Fedora Coud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: fixed Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+--------------------- Changes (by sayanchowdhury):
* status: assigned => closed * resolution: => fixed
#152: Fedora Cloud Test Day for F24 -----------------------+--------------------- Reporter: dustymabe | Owner: kushal Type: task | Status: closed Priority: normal | Milestone: Future Component: --- | Resolution: fixed Keywords: meeting | -----------------------+---------------------