Commit: 62cc660f462f8672fe75ebc8e53b184075ff3d5b
Parent: d8a4abe7ff8ff0954fb58fed9b384b087e81b1d0
Author: Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto(a)>
AuthorDate: Tue Apr 5 10:35:48 2011 +0200
Committer: Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto(a)>
CommitterDate: Tue Apr 5 10:35:48 2011 +0200
rgmanager: re-add slang scripts where they belong
Signed-off-by: Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto(a)>
rgmanager/src/Makefile | 2 +-
rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile | 12 +
rgmanager/src/resources/ | 637 +++++++++++++++++++++++
rgmanager/src/resources/ | 151 ++++++
4 files changed, 801 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/Makefile b/rgmanager/src/Makefile
index f5b9d03..c79d053 100644
--- a/rgmanager/src/Makefile
+++ b/rgmanager/src/Makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
include ../../make/
include $(OBJDIR)/make/
-SUBDIRS= clulib daemons utils
+SUBDIRS=resources clulib daemons utils
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile b/rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00b2bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+include ../../../make/
+include $(OBJDIR)/make/
+include $(OBJDIR)/make/
+include $(OBJDIR)/make/
+clean: generalclean
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c8a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
+% Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
+% Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+define node_in_set(node_list, node)
+ variable x, len;
+ len = length(node_list);
+ for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
+ if (node_list[x] == node)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+% Returns 3 node lists:
+% (1) Nodes with no services
+% (2) Nodes with non-exclusive services
+% (3) Nodes with exclusive services
+% NOTE: This function currently defenstrates failover domain rules
+define separate_nodes(node_list)
+ variable services = service_list();
+ variable nodes_empty, nodes_services, nodes_excl;
+ variable x, len;
+ variable owner, state, excl, ns = 0, nx = 0;
+ nodes_empty = node_list;
+ % Most Awesome Initializer EVER!!!
+ nodes_services = subtract([0], 0);
+ nodes_excl = subtract([0], 0);
+ len = length(services);
+ for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(services[x]);
+ if (owner < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ excl = atoi(service_property(services[x], "exclusive"));
+ nodes_empty = subtract(nodes_empty, owner);
+ if (excl) {
+ nodes_excl = union(nodes_excl, owner);
+ } else {
+ nodes_services = union(nodes_services, owner);
+ }
+ }
+ return (nodes_empty, nodes_services, nodes_excl);
+define exclusive_prioritize(svc, node_list)
+ variable services = service_list();
+ variable len, x, y, owner, state, preferred_owner;
+ variable svc_excl, other_excl;
+ variable nodes_x, nodes_s, nodes_e;
+ %
+ % Not exclusive? Don't care!
+ %
+ svc_excl = atoi(service_property(svc, "exclusive"));
+ if (svc_excl == 0) {
+ return node_list;
+ }
+ (nodes_e, nodes_s, nodes_x) = separate_nodes(node_list);
+ debug("Nodes - Empty: ", nodes_e, " w/Services: ", nodes_s, " w/Excl: ", nodes_x);
+ if (length(nodes_e) > 0) {
+ %
+ % If we've got an exclusive service, only allow it to start on
+ % empty nodes.
+ %
+ return nodes_e;
+ }
+ if (length(nodes_x) == 0) {
+ %
+ % If we've got NO nodes with other exclusive services
+ % and no empty nodes, the service can not be started
+ %
+ notice("No empty / exclusive nodes available; cannot restart ", svc);
+ return nodes_x;
+ }
+ %
+ % Prioritization of exclusive services: pancake a service and replace it
+ % with this service if this services is a higher priority.
+ %
+ len = length(services);
+ for (x = 0; x < len; x++) {
+ if (svc == services[x]) {
+ % don't do anything to ourself!
+ continue;
+ }
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(services[x]);
+ if (owner < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (node_in_set(node_list, owner) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ other_excl = atoi(service_property(services[x], "exclusive"));
+ if (other_excl == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ %
+ % If we're a higher priority (lower #) exclusive
+ % Stop the exclusive service that node and move that
+ % node to the front.
+ %
+ if (svc_excl >= other_excl) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ %
+ %
+ %
+ warning("STOPPING service ", services[x], " because ", svc, " is a higher priority.");
+ () = service_stop(services[x]);
+ %
+ % Return just the one node.
+ %
+ node_list = subtract([0], 0);
+ node_list = union(node_list, owner);
+ return node_list;
+ }
+ return node_list;
+define move_or_start(service, node_list)
+ variable len;
+ variable state, owner;
+ variable depends;
+ depends = service_property(service, "depend");
+ if (depends != "") {
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(depends);
+ if (owner < 0) {
+ debug(service, " is not runnable; dependency not met");
+ return ERR_DEPEND;
+ }
+ }
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(service);
+ debug("Evaluating ", service, " state=", state, " owner=", owner);
+ if ((event_type == EVENT_NODE) and (node_id == owner) and
+ (node_state == NODE_OFFLINE)) {
+ info("Marking service ", service, " on down member ",
+ owner, " as stopped");
+ if (service_stop(service) < 0) {
+ return ERR_ABORT;
+ }
+ }
+ len = length(node_list);
+ if (len == 0) {
+ notice(service, " is not runnable - restricted domain offline");
+ ()=service_stop(service);
+ return ERR_DOMAIN;
+ }
+ if (((event_type != EVENT_USER) and (state == "disabled")) or
+ ((state == "failed") or (state == "frozen"))) {
+ %
+ % Commenting out this block will -not- allow you to
+ % recover failed services from event scripts. Sorry.
+ % All it will get you is a false log message about
+ % starting this service.
+ %
+ % You may enable disabled services, but I recommend
+ % against it.
+ %
+ debug(service, " is not runnable");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (node_list[0] == owner) {
+ debug(service, " is already running on best node");
+ return ERR_RUNNING;
+ }
+ if ((owner >= 0) and (node_in_set(node_list, owner) == 1)) {
+ notice("Moving ", service, " from ", owner,
+ " to ", node_list);
+ if (service_stop(service) < 0) {
+ return ERR_ABORT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ node_list = exclusive_prioritize(service, node_list);
+ notice("Starting ", service, " on ", node_list);
+ }
+ if (length(node_list) == 0) {
+ return ERR_DOMAIN;
+ }
+ return service_start(service, node_list);
+% Returns the set of online nodes in preferred/shuffled order which
+% are allowed to run this service. Gives highest preference to current
+% owner if nofailback is specified.
+define allowed_nodes(service)
+ variable anodes;
+ variable online;
+ variable nodes_domain;
+ variable ordered, restricted, nofailback;
+ variable state, owner;
+ variable depends;
+ (nofailback, restricted, ordered, nodes_domain) =
+ service_domain_info(service);
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(service);
+ anodes = nodes_online();
+ % Shuffle the array so we don't start all services on the same
+ % node. TODO - add RR, Least-services, placement policies...
+ online = shuffle(anodes);
+ if (restricted == 1) {
+ anodes = intersection(nodes_domain, online);
+ } else {
+ % Ordered failover domains (nodes_domain) unioned with the
+ % online nodes basically just reorders the online node list
+ % according to failover domain priority rules.
+ anodes = union(intersection(nodes_domain, online),
+ online);
+ }
+ if ((nofailback == 1) or (ordered == 0)) {
+ if ((owner < 0) or (node_in_set(anodes, owner) == 0)) {
+ return anodes;
+ }
+ % Because union takes left as priority, we can
+ % return the union of the current owner with the
+ % allowed node list. This means the service will
+ % remain on the same node it's currently on.
+ return union(owner, anodes);
+ }
+ return anodes;
+% Returns the set of online nodes in preferred/shuffled order which
+% are allowed to run this service. Gives highest preference to current
+% owner if nofailback is specified.
+define allowed_nodes(service)
+ variable anodes;
+ variable online;
+ variable nodes_domain;
+ variable ordered, restricted, nofailback;
+ variable state, owner;
+ variable depends;
+ (nofailback, restricted, ordered, nodes_domain) =
+ service_domain_info(service);
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(service);
+ anodes = nodes_online();
+ % Shuffle the array so we don't start all services on the same
+ % node. TODO - add RR, Least-services, placement policies...
+ online = shuffle(anodes);
+ if (restricted == 1) {
+ anodes = intersection(nodes_domain, online);
+ } else {
+ % Ordered failover domains (nodes_domain) unioned with the
+ % online nodes basically just reorders the online node list
+ % according to failover domain priority rules.
+ anodes = union(intersection(nodes_domain, online),
+ online);
+ }
+ if ((nofailback == 1) or (ordered == 0)) {
+ if ((owner < 0) or (node_in_set(anodes, owner) == 0)) {
+ return anodes;
+ }
+ % Because union takes left as priority, we can
+ % return the union of the current owner with the
+ % allowed node list. This means the service will
+ % remain on the same node it's currently on.
+ return union(owner, anodes);
+ }
+ return anodes;
+define string_list(thelist, delimiter)
+ variable index;
+ variable output="";
+ if (length(thelist) == 0) {
+ return output;
+ }
+ for (index=0; index < length(thelist)-1; index++) {
+ output=output+string(thelist[index])+delimiter;
+ }
+ return output+thelist[index];
+% this function gets the smallest property from a given list of services
+% if the list only exists of one element the property itself is returned
+% if the given property is not found 0 is returned
+define services_min_attribute(services, property)
+ variable x;
+ variable min_property=-1;
+ variable tmp_property;
+ for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+ tmp_property=service_property(services[x], property);
+ if (tmp_property == NULL) {
+ tmp_property=0;
+ } else {
+ tmp_property=atoi(tmp_property);
+ }
+ if ((min_property < 0) or (tmp_property < min_property)) {
+ min_property=tmp_property;
+ }
+ %debug("services_min_attribute: ",services[x]," attribute: ",min_property, "tmp: ", tmp_property, " min: ", min_property);
+ }
+ %debug("services_min_attribute: (", string_list(services, ", "),")[",property,"]: ",min_property);
+ return min_property;
+% This function will sort a given service_list by the given attribute name and
+% return the list
+define sorted_service_list(services, attribute)
+ variable work_queue={};
+ variable sorted_list={}, tmp, tmp2;
+ variable x, y;
+ variable cur_min_prop=0;
+ variable service_prop=0;
+ y=0;
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: ", strjoin(services, ", "));
+ for (x=0; x<length(services); x++) {
+ list_append(work_queue, string(services[x]));
+ }
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: work_queue ", string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+ while (length(work_queue) > 0) {
+ cur_min_prop=services_min_attribute(work_queue, attribute);
+ %debug("sorted_service_list sorting services list for attribute ", attribute, " cur_min: ",cur_min_prop);
+ for (x = 0; x < length(work_queue); x++) {
+ service_prop=service_property(work_queue[x], "priority");
+ if (service_prop == NULL) {
+ service_prop=0;
+ } else {
+ service_prop=atoi(service_prop);
+ }
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: ",work_queue[x], " property[", attribute,"]: ",service_prop);
+ if (cur_min_prop==service_prop) {
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: adding service ",work_queue[x]," to sorted. work_queue: ", string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+ list_append(sorted_list, work_queue[x]);
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: sorted_list: ", string_list(sorted_list, ", "));
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: removing service ",work_queue[x], " from work_queue ", string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+ list_delete(work_queue, x);
+ x=x-1;
+ %debug("sorted_service_list: work_queue: ",string_list(work_queue, ", "));
+ y=y+1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ debug("sorted_service_list ", string_list(sorted_list, ", "));
+ return sorted_list;
+define sortedservices_node_event_handler(services, attribute) {
+ variable x;
+ variable nodes;
+ services=sorted_service_list(services, attribute);
+ for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+ debug("Executing sortedservices node event handler for service: ", services[x]);
+ nodes = allowed_nodes(services[x]);
+ ()=move_or_start(services[x], nodes);
+ }
+define default_node_event_handler()
+ variable services = service_list();
+ variable x;
+ variable nodes;
+ debug("Executing default node event handler");
+ for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+ nodes = allowed_nodes(services[x]);
+ ()=move_or_start(services[x], nodes);
+ }
+define default_service_event_handler()
+ variable services = service_list();
+ variable x;
+ variable depends;
+ variable depend_mode;
+ variable policy;
+ variable nodes;
+ variable tmp;
+ variable owner;
+ variable state;
+ debug("Executing default service event handler");
+ if (service_state == "recovering") {
+ policy = service_property(service_name, "recovery");
+ debug("Recovering",
+ " Service: ", service_name,
+ " Last owner: ", service_last_owner,
+ " Policy: ", policy,
+ " RTE: ", service_restarts_exceeded);
+ if (policy == "disable") {
+ () = service_stop(service_name, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ nodes = allowed_nodes(service_name);
+ if (policy == "restart" and service_restarts_exceeded == 0) {
+ nodes = union(service_last_owner, nodes);
+ } else {
+ % relocate
+ tmp = subtract(nodes, service_last_owner);
+ if (length(tmp) == 0) {
+ () = service_stop(service_name,0);
+ return;
+ }
+ nodes = union(tmp, service_last_owner);
+ }
+ ()=move_or_start(service_name, nodes);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (x = 0; x < length(services); x++) {
+ if (service_name == services[x]) {
+ % don't do anything to ourself!
+ continue;
+ }
+ %
+ % Simplistic dependency handling
+ %
+ depends = service_property(services[x], "depend");
+ depend_mode = service_property(services[x], "depend_mode");
+ % No dependency; do nothing
+ if (depends != service_name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(services[x]);
+ if ((service_state == "started") and (owner < 0) and
+ (state == "stopped")) {
+ info("Dependency met; starting ", services[x]);
+ nodes = allowed_nodes(services[x]);
+ ()=move_or_start(services[x], nodes);
+ }
+ % service died - stop service(s) that depend on the dead
+ if ((service_owner < 0) and (owner >= 0) and
+ (depend_mode != "soft")) {
+ info("Dependency lost; stopping ", services[x]);
+ ()=service_stop(services[x]);
+ }
+ }
+define default_config_event_handler()
+ debug("Executing default config event handler");
+define default_user_event_handler()
+ variable ret;
+ variable nodes;
+ variable reordered;
+ variable x;
+ variable target = user_target;
+ variable found = 0;
+ variable owner, state;
+ nodes = allowed_nodes(service_name);
+ (,,, owner, state) = service_status(service_name);
+ if (user_request == USER_RESTART) {
+ if (owner >= 0) {
+ reordered = union(owner, nodes);
+ nodes = reordered;
+ }
+ notice("Stopping ", service_name, " for relocate to ", nodes);
+ found = service_stop(service_name);
+ if (found < 0) {
+ return ERR_ABORT;
+ }
+ ret = move_or_start(service_name, nodes);
+ } else if ((user_request == USER_RELOCATE) or
+ (user_request == USER_ENABLE)) {
+ if (user_target > 0) {
+ for (x = 0; x < length(nodes); x++) {
+ %
+ % Put the preferred node at the front of the
+ % list for a user-relocate operation
+ %
+ if (nodes[x] == user_target) {
+ reordered = union(user_target, nodes);
+ nodes = reordered;
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found == 0) {
+ warning("User specified node ", user_target,
+ " is offline");
+ }
+ }
+ if ((owner >= 0) and (user_request == USER_RELOCATE)) {
+ if (service_stop(service_name) < 0) {
+ return ERR_ABORT;
+ }
+ %
+ % The current owner shouldn't be the default
+ % for a relocate operation
+ %
+ reordered = subtract(nodes, owner);
+ nodes = union(reordered, owner);
+ }
+ ret = move_or_start(service_name, nodes);
+ } else if (user_request == USER_DISABLE) {
+ ret = service_stop(service_name, 1);
+ } else if (user_request == USER_STOP) {
+ ret = service_stop(service_name);
+ } else if (user_request == USER_FREEZE) {
+ ret = service_freeze(service_name);
+ } else if (user_request == USER_UNFREEZE) {
+ ret = service_unfreeze(service_name);
+ } else if (user_request == USER_MIGRATE) {
+ ret = service_migrate(service_name, user_target);
+ } else if (user_request == USER_CONVALESCE) {
+ ret = service_convalesce(service_name);
+ }
+ return ret;
+if (event_type == EVENT_NODE)
+ sortedservices_node_event_handler(service_list(), "priority");
+if (event_type == EVENT_SERVICE)
+ default_service_event_handler();
+if (event_type == EVENT_CONFIG)
+ default_config_event_handler();
+if (event_type == EVENT_USER)
+ user_return=default_user_event_handler();
diff --git a/rgmanager/src/resources/ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c711ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rgmanager/src/resources/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+% Description: Implements the "follow service" mechanism based on the Red Hat RIND event
+% scripting mechanism.
+% Author: Marc Grimme, Mark Hlawatschek, October 2008
+% Support: support(a)
+% License: GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 or later
+% Copyright: (c) 2008-2010 ATIX AG
+% Returns a list of nodes for the given service that are online and in the failoverdomain.
+define nodelist_online(service_name) {
+ variable nodes, nofailback, restricted, ordered, node_list;
+ nodes=nodes_online();
+ (nofailback, restricted, ordered, node_list) = service_domain_info(service_name);
+ return intersection(nodes, node_list);
+% Idea:
+% General purpose function of a construct when Service(svc1) and Service(svc2)
+% should not be running on the same node even after failover.
+% There are to options to influence the behaviour. If both services have to be
+% running on the same node (only one node is left in the failovergroup) what
+% service is the master and should both services be running or only the master
+% service survives. If master is not svc1 or svc2 both service might run on the
+% same node. If master is either svc1 or svc2 the specified one will be the
+% surviving service.
+% If followslave is not 0 the svc1 always follows svc2. That means it will be
+% started on on the same node as svc1. And if available svc2 will be relocated
+% to any other node.
+define follow_service(svc1, svc2, master) %, followslave)
+ variable state_svc1, state_svc2, owner_svc1, owner_svc2;
+ variable nodes1, nodes2, allowed;
+ debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: follow_service(",svc1,", ",svc2,", ", master, ")");
+ debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: event_type: ", event_type, ", service_name: ", service_name, ", service_state: ", service_state);
+ %
+ % setup the master
+ %
+ if ((master != svc1) and (master != svc2)) {
+ debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: master=NULL");
+ master=NULL;
+ }
+ % get infos we need to decide further
+ (,,, owner_svc1, state_svc1) = service_status(svc1);
+ (,,, owner_svc2, state_svc2) = service_status(svc2);
+ nodes1 = nodelist_online(svc1);
+ nodes2 = nodelist_online(svc2);
+ debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: service_status(",svc1,"): ", state_svc1);
+ debug("*** FOLLOW_SERVICE: owner_svc1: ", owner_svc1, ", owner_svc2: ", owner_svc2, ", nodes1: ", nodes1, ", nodes2: ", nodes2);
+ if (((event_type == EVENT_NODE) and (owner_svc1 == node_id) and (node_state == NODE_OFFLINE) and (owner_svc2 >=0)) or
+ ((event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) and (service_name == svc1) and (service_state == "recovering" ) and (owner_svc2 >= 0))) {
+ %
+ % uh oh, the owner of the master server died. Restart it
+ % on the node running the slave server or if we should not
+ % follow the slave start it somewhere else.
+ % We should end up here if svc1 has to be restarted
+ %
+ % If this was a service event, don't execute the default event
+ % script trigger after this script completes.
+ %
+ if (event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) {
+ stop_processing();
+ }
+ % were to start svc2
+ allowed=subtract(nodes2, owner_svc2);
+ if (length(allowed) > 1) {
+ allowed=subtract(allowed, service_last_owner);
+ }
+ debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: service event triggered following svc2 to ",owner_svc2, " svc2 on : ",allowed);
+ % either svc1 is the master or there are node were to start svc2
+ if ((master == svc1) or (length(allowed) > 0)) {
+ ()=service_start(svc1, owner_svc2);
+ }
+ % either svc2 is the master or there are node were to start svc2
+ if ((master == svc2) or (length(allowed) > 0)) {
+ ()=service_stop(svc2);
+ ()=service_start(svc2, allowed);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (((event_type == EVENT_NODE) and (owner_svc2 == node_id) and (node_state == NODE_OFFLINE) and (owner_svc2 >=0)) or
+ ((event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) and (service_name == svc2) and (service_state == "recovering" ) and (owner_svc1 >= 0))) {
+ %
+ % uh oh, the owner of the svc2 died. Restart it
+ % on any other node but not the one running the svc1.
+ % If svc1 is the only one left only start it there
+ % if master==svc2
+ %
+ % Just relocate svc2 or if svc2 is master stop svc1 and start svc2 on owner_svc1
+ %
+ % If this was a service event, don't execute the default event
+ % script trigger after this script completes.
+ %
+ if (event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) {
+ stop_processing();
+ }
+ allowed=subtract(nodes2, owner_svc1);
+ if (length(allowed) > 1) {
+ allowed=subtract(allowed, service_last_owner);
+ }
+ debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: service event triggered relocating svc2 to ",allowed, " svc1 on : ",owner_svc1);
+ if (length(allowed) > 0) {
+ ()=service_stop(svc2);
+ ()=service_start(svc2, allowed);
+ } else if (master == svc2) {
+ ()=service_stop(svc1);
+ ()=service_start(svc2, owner_svc1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (((event_type == EVENT_SERVICE) and (service_state == "started") and (owner_svc2 == owner_svc1) and (owner_svc1 > 0) and (owner_svc2 > 0)) or
+ ((event_type == EVENT_CONFIG) and (owner_svc2 == owner_svc1))) {
+ allowed=subtract(nodes2, owner_svc1);
+ debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: service event both running on same node triggered.", allowed);
+ if (length(allowed) > 0) {
+ %()=service_stop(svc1);
+ %()=service_start(svc1, owner_svc2);
+ ()=service_stop(svc2);
+ ()=service_start(svc2, allowed);
+ } else if ((master == svc2) and (owner_svc2 > 0)){
+ debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: will stop service .", svc1);
+ ()=service_stop(svc1);
+ } else if ((master == svc1) and (owner_svc1 > 0)) {
+ debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: will stop service .", svc2);
+ ()=service_stop(svc2);
+ } else {
+ debug("*** FOLLOW SERVICE: both services running on the same node or only one is running.", allowed, ", ", master);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
Commit: d8a4abe7ff8ff0954fb58fed9b384b087e81b1d0
Parent: e6e7f1837b53d8f2095392afc30aca411307730c
Author: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
AuthorDate: Mon Dec 6 15:01:55 2010 -0500
Committer: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
CommitterDate: Mon Apr 4 16:58:34 2011 -0400
cman: Don't increment on LEAVING->MEMBER transition
If a node left the cluster prior using 'cman_tool leave', its
internal state is set to NODESTATE_LEAVING.
Ordinarily, during the transition from NODESTATE_LEAVING to
NODESTATE_DEAD, the member count is decremented. However, it
is possible to rejoin the cluster membership from the
If this occurs, the cluster member count is incremented, but
since the node never transitioned from LEAVING->DEAD, it was
not previously decremented, causing an ever-increasing node
count in 'cman_tool status'.
This patch resolves the issue by not incrementing the member
count during a LEAVING->MEMBER transition.
Resolves: rhbz#649533
Signed-off-by: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
cman/daemon/commands.c | 7 +++++--
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cman/daemon/commands.c b/cman/daemon/commands.c
index d4d9fd9..2948952 100644
--- a/cman/daemon/commands.c
+++ b/cman/daemon/commands.c
@@ -2246,9 +2246,12 @@ void add_ais_node(int nodeid, uint64_t incar, int total_members)
if (node->state == NODESTATE_DEAD || node->state == NODESTATE_LEAVING) {
gettimeofday(&node->join_time, NULL);
node->incarnation = incar;
- node->state = NODESTATE_MEMBER;
node->leave_reason = 0;
- cluster_members++;
+ /* If a node rejoins before it completes a leave,
+ * we should not increment cluster_members */
+ if (node->state != NODESTATE_LEAVING)
+ cluster_members++;
+ node->state = NODESTATE_MEMBER;
recalculate_quorum(0, 0);
Commit: 550a6ca4caee40bdf669e563e66371b23e564d6e
Parent: ed60a64a1eba5c941edaf7802e2d6ab3c638aaa5
Author: Marek 'marx' Grac <mgrac(a)>
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 4 15:19:57 2011 +0200
Committer: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
CommitterDate: Mon Apr 4 16:12:28 2011 -0400
fence_ipmilan: Correct return code for diag operation
Return code for diag operation should be 0.
Replaces commit 8a97abd04b8492310c1095413c5cf26bbf98e395
"diaf" != "diag"
Resolves: rhbz#655764
Signed-off-by: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c | 9 +++++++++
1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c b/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c
index 040babf..892fc4e 100644
--- a/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c
+++ b/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c
@@ -1195,6 +1195,15 @@ metaout:
if (!strcasecmp(op, "monitor"))
translated_ret = ret;
+ if (!strcasecmp(op, "diag")) {
+ /** .. but when a system receive the DIAG signal , it
+ ** switches to a kdump kernel, but the machine is always
+ ** "on" during the dump phase. It only become temporarily
+ ** "off" at the end of the dump just before rebooting.
+ **/
+ translated_ret = 0;
+ }
return translated_ret;
Commit: ed60a64a1eba5c941edaf7802e2d6ab3c638aaa5
Parent: bf66212512ad7f97b38fcb49fc256ac76583afbd
Author: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 4 16:11:43 2011 -0400
Committer: Lon Hohberger <lhh(a)>
CommitterDate: Mon Apr 4 16:11:43 2011 -0400
Revert "fence_ipmilan: Correct return code for diag operation"
This reverts commit 8a97abd04b8492310c1095413c5cf26bbf98e395.
fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c | 9 ---------
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c b/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c
index 177d216..040babf 100644
--- a/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c
+++ b/fence/agents/ipmilan/ipmilan.c
@@ -1195,15 +1195,6 @@ metaout:
if (!strcasecmp(op, "monitor"))
translated_ret = ret;
- if (!strcasecmp(op, "diaf")) {
- /** .. but when a system receive the DIAG signal , it
- ** switches to a kdump kernel, but the machine is always
- ** "on" during the dump phase. It only become temporarily
- ** "off" at the end of the dump just before rebooting.
- **/
- translated_ret = 0;
- }
return translated_ret;
Commit: 6ac811961ec028e30cd094bb2a10f6f3e996692d
Parent: 48f5feec3bbd0375dff3024ce4deca7090608325
Author: Marek 'marx' Grac <mgrac(a)>
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 4 18:19:40 2011 +0200
Committer: Marek 'marx' Grac <mgrac(a)>
CommitterDate: Mon Apr 4 18:19:40 2011 +0200
library: Add support for UUID (-U / --uuid / uuid)
Fence agents can use --uuid as a replacement for --port. This is very
useful in a case of virtual machines that have both UUID and name.
Patch proposed by Matt Clark
fence/agents/lib/ | 13 ++++++++++---
1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/fence/agents/lib/ b/fence/agents/lib/
index 933fd75..61c23af 100644
--- a/fence/agents/lib/
+++ b/fence/agents/lib/
@@ -390,7 +390,14 @@ all_opt = {
"default" : "1",
"required" : "0",
"shortdesc" : "Count of attempts to retry power on",
- "order" : 200 }
+ "order" : 201 },
+ "uuid" : {
+ "getopt" : "U:",
+ "longopt" : "uuid",
+ "help" : "-U, --uuid UUID of the VM to fence.",
+ "required" : "0",
+ "shortdesc" : "The UUID of the virtual machine to fence.",
+ "order" : 1 }
common_opt = [ "retry_on", "delay" ]
@@ -691,7 +698,7 @@ def check_input(device_opt, opt):
if 0 == os.path.isfile(options["-k"]):
fail_usage("Failed: Identity file " + options["-k"] + " does not exist")
- if (0 == ["list", "monitor"].count(options["-o"].lower())) and (0 == options.has_key("-n")) and (device_opt.count("port")):
+ if (0 == ["list", "monitor"].count(options["-o"].lower())) and (0 == options.has_key("-n") and 0 == options.has_key("-U")) and (device_opt.count("port")):
fail_usage("Failed: You have to enter plug number")
if options.has_key("-S"):
@@ -757,7 +764,7 @@ def fence_action(tn, options, set_power_fn, get_power_fn, get_outlet_list = None
## Process options that manipulate fencing device
- if (options["-o"] == "list") and (0 == options["device_opt"].count("port")) and (0 == options["device_opt"].count("partition")):
+ if (options["-o"] == "list") and (0 == options["device_opt"].count("port")) and (0 == options["device_opt"].count("partition") and 0 == options["device_opt"].count("uuid")):
print "N/A"
elif (options["-o"] == "list" and get_outlet_list == None):
Commit: e06cfed120211198c0a1d032a1ece715bc8fe46b
Parent: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Author: Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto(a)>
AuthorDate: 2011-04-04 15:24 +0000
Committer: Fabio M. Di Nitto <fdinitto(a)>
CommitterDate: 2011-04-04 15:24 +0000
annotated tag: v3.1.3 has been created
at e06cfed120211198c0a1d032a1ece715bc8fe46b (tag)
tagging bf66212512ad7f97b38fcb49fc256ac76583afbd (commit)
replaces v3.1.2
v3.1.3 release
Arnaud Quette (1):
eaton_snmp: fix list offset
Brandon Perkins (1):
Fence_rhevm needs to change "RUNNING" status to "UP" status as the REST-API has changed.
Jim Ramsay (1):
Allow fence_scsi to use any valid hexadecimal key
Lon Hohberger (1):
fence-agents: Accept other values for "true"
Marek 'marx' Grac (10):
fence_rhevm: Update URL to RHEV-M REST API
fence_cisco_ucs: Support for sub-organization
fence_cisco_ucs: Fix for support for sub-organization
library: Add support for UUID (-U / --uuid / uuid)
fence_vmware_soap: New fence agent for VMWare using SOAP API
fence_cisco_ucs, fence_rhevm: Problems with SSL support
fence_ipmilan: returns incorrect status on monitor op if chassis is powered off
fence_ipmilan: Correct return code for diag operation
library: Add support for URL session instead of hostname
bugfix uuid
Ryan O'Hara (2):
fence_scsi: fix typo when opening logfile
fence_scsi: grep for keys should be case insensitive