Hey COPR Developers,
Recently, I am trying to deploy COPR containers on an arm instance,
except for the base image and resalloc pool tag issues, I also found there
is a strange thing on bash command, check this code from dist-git [1] below:
if [ ! -w $REPODIR ] ; then
echo "ERROR: You can not write to $REPODIR"
echo "ERROR: You can not create repos"
exit -1
This would always fail in an aarch64 container which uses the identical
dockerfile as the x86 ones.
FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:35
MAINTAINER copr-devel(a)lists.fedorahosted.org
Could this be a fedora issue? Considering I tried fedora 35/36/37 which all
I'm looking at this page:
Status: failed - Build failed. See logs for more details.
I do not see an obvious link to the "logs" that it is telling to me view.
After enough clicking I figured out that its in the chroot that I need to look.
Maybe make "See logs for more details." link logs to the chroot?