Hello, fyi,
Fedora Copr builders were recently upgraded to Fedora 30 (from F28).
The major change is that `yum` package is not working ideally on F30 anymore, and soon (on F31) there will be no `yum` at all [1].
Mock (which is used on builders) though uses /usr/bin/yum-deprecated (yum) by default for epel* chroots installation usually (on Fedora host), even though it may use /usr/bin/yum symlink to /usr/bin/dnf as a fallback.
The major difference from mock perspective (and why yum-deprecated is actually preferred, when available) is that dnf might calculate the install transactions a little bit differently from yum. And repositories for epel are designed for/tested against yum; ... so using dnf can cause some unexpected problems..
We decided to move to dnf (dnf-yum) rather sooner in Copr, to have a bit more time for solving potential problems, and inform others. So if you face any related issues to this movement in copr (packages were installed fine before, but are not now), you might want to enable the bootstrap_chroot feature in your copr project; go to:
Project -> Settings -> [x] Enable mock's use_bootstrap_container experimental feature
.. and if useful, fill a bug report. For more info about bootstrap_chroot feature consult the man 1 mock.
As a bonus, we now have builders (F30) for aarch64 architecture! Expect slightly slower queue processing there than on other architectures (only up 8 builders, and slightly slower boxes). Feel free to try them, and - as always - please report the issues :-)
If you happen to work with epel* and mock on F30:
- yum.rpm requires up2date urlgrabber package (rhbz#1707657) on highly python3-oriented F30, and to avoid unnecessary hassle you might want to rather uninstall yum package, but when you do this.. - using dnf (/bin/yum) for epel* builds might lead to problems with bootstrap chroot installation (elfutils from DTS from sclo* repos installed instead of default elfutils) [2] - also systemd-resolved running on host (even when it is unused) might cause some problems with name resolution in --bootstrap chroot, resp. if you happen to use --enable-network; work-around is to disable systemd-resolved.service
[1] https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/yum/blob/master/f/dead.package [2] https://github.com/rpm-software-management/mock/pull/268
Hope that the transition will be smooth, happy building!