I just wanted to start a conversation around expanding Copr to output flatpak files using Fedora (likely others like Gnome, KDE, etc too) runtimes. As flatpak is being pushed into the world, getting ahead of the curve and helping people turn their projects into flatpaks with Copr would be a good benefit on the community side, and likely just as helpful for fedora package maintainers who will work on flatpaks in the future. As you don't actually need to use rpms to make flatpaks, an entirely new mock plugin could be made for that purpose, if one doesn't already exist that I am unaware of. Would help to bring it into Koji as well in the future. There may be another way to just install a built rpm into a chroot and turn around and add the metadata and build-export into a flatpak repo and ignore mock altogether. Thoughts?
Dne 21.3.2017 v 17:41 David Haltinner napsal(a):
As you don't actually need to use rpms to make flatpaks, an entirely new mock plugin could be made for that purpose, if one doesn't already exist that I am unaware of. Would help to bring it into Koji as well in the future. There may be another way to just install a built rpm into a chroot and turn around and add the metadata and build-export into a flatpak repo and ignore mock altogether.
The Flatpack build is entirely different process. And it does not need chroots as mock has. So writing mock plugins will make little or no benefit.
But yeah, having one command to build it in one step would be nice. Right now you have to call several `flatpack` commands. And I will put aside the fact that if you try the steps in: http://flatpak.org/hello-world.html it simply does not work.