On Tuesday, May 29, 2018 12:58:21 PM CEST zdm@softvisio.net wrote:
yes, here is the log https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/zdm/release/srpm-builds/0075...
rpmbuild starts build rpm from spec file and can't execute git. This is definitely lack of git in chroot.
Is there is a possibility to add git to chroot?
The 'make srpm' call is executed with UID=0; so installing of any package should be possible via an explicit 'dnf -y install <PKG>' command (from the Makefile's 'srpm' target). It's also possible to use Custom script method instead where you can request the list of needed packages (to generate sources) and do non-root scripting.
On 28.05.2018 18:04, Pavel Raiskup wrote:
On Saturday, May 26, 2018 1:12:17 AM CEST Dmytro Zagashev wrote:
I have the following command at the top of spec file:
%define version %(git ls-remote --tags --refs https://gitlab.com/libidn/libidn2.git | tail -n 1 | awk -F'-' '{print $2}')
When I build rpm in copr, using make-srpm, I get error:
sh: git: command not found
How I can add required commands to the chroot?
Do you have the logs? Usually such error output is seen when the SRPM is generated, not RPM. And very often that's just warning and the error is somewhere else, see https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/424
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