Red Hat UK Ltd im Sueden von London moechte sein Support-Team
vergroessern und sucht im Moment Linuxenthusiasten, die mit Leidenschaft
bei der Sache sind.
Herausgefordert von einem kniffligen Problem? Kein Thema – Du bewahrst
einen kuehlen Kopf und liebst es, tiefer in den Problemursprung und
seine Umstaende einzutauchen, Dich mit Deinen Kollegen und der Community
auszutauschen und Dein Wissen und Ergebnisse Deines Nachforschens
miteinander zu verknuepfen.
Bist Du ein technischer Mensch, der anderen gerne beim Problemloesen
hilft und dabei oefters deren Erwartungen uebertrifft?
Kannst Du Dir vorstellen, tagtaeglich mit den talentiertesten Technikern
der Open Source Community zusammenzuarbeiten?
Bist Du ein leidenschaftlicher Open-Source-Verfechter, der stolz auf die
Qualitaet seiner Arbeit ist und weiss, dass Source-Code-Schreiben nur
eine Moeglichkeit ist, zur Open-Source-Idee beizutragen?
Klingt es spannend fuer Dich, in einem vielsprachigen Team zu arbeiten,
dessen Mitglieder aus ueber zehn verschiedenen Laendern kommen?
Ewartest Du, dass Dein Arbeitgeber Dir exzellente Trainings- und
Fortbildungsmoeglichkeiten anbietet?
Glaubst Du, dass technischer Support mehr ist als ein Telefonat
anzunehmen und Hinweise auf FAQs zu geben?
Wenn ja, dann wuerde Red Hat nichts lieber als sofort von Dir hoeren!
Wir sind im Moment auf der Suche nach talentierten und erfahrenen
Associate Technical Support Engineers und Technical Support Engineers.
Unser ideale Kandidat spricht Deutsch und Englisch, wir freuen uns aber
ueber jede andere Sprachkombination. Bitte schicke Deinen CV (auf
Englisch) an aflierl(a)
Anbei folgend die Jobbeschreibungen fuer Associate Technical Support
Engineers und Technical Support Engineers.
Position Title: Associate Technical Support Engineer
Position Location: Red Hat, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK
Position availability: Immediate
Position Description:
Your main responsibilities will include working in a
multicultural/multilingual technical team, dealing with support requests
from enterprise customers via the telephone and the Web. You will also
be responsible for maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and
for keeping your technical and non-technical skills current by attending
courses and spending part of your time in personal development. Your
main duties will include:
* gathering information for each issue
* carrying out the necessary research
* working with senior team members in order to transfer the problem to
them or in order to get advice on how to proceed further and provide
solutions to customers incorporating your findings in Red Hat's
Knowledge Base when necessary
Technical skills:
* basic Linux system administration experience at home, work or school
* basic theoretical knowledge of networking, UNIX-like services and concepts
* basic application debugging skills
* software development experience (programming and scripting languages)
not required but considered an advantage
* strong troubleshooting skills and a passion for problem solving and
* customer focus and service orientation
* ability to work well in a team
* ability to multi-task, prioritise and work under pressure
* ability to work in process-driven environments as well as in contexts
where consultation with colleagues, taking initiative and judgement
calls are necessary
* ability to communicate courteously and effectively with customers,
third party vendors and Red Hat associates
* contributions (not necessarily development) to Open Source community
and projects considered an advantage
Preferred education:
* IT degree or equivalent work experience
* RHCE or equivalent not required but considered an advantage
* Fluent in written and spoken English
* Written and spoken fluency in any of French, German, Italian, Spanish
considered an advantage
Position Title: Technical Support Engineer
Position Location: Red Hat, Farnborough, Hampshire, UK
Position availability: Immediate
Position Description:
Your main responsibilities will include working in a
multicultural/multilingual technical team, dealing with highly technical
support requests from enterprise customers via the telephone and the
Web. You will also be responsible for maintaining a high level of
customer satisfaction and for keeping your technical and non-technical
skills current by attending courses and spending part of your time in
personal development. Your main duties will include:
* gathering information for each issue
* carrying out the necessary research
* providing analysis to fully understand the issue
* proposing workarounds if appropriate
* proposing and discussing fixes, providing advice and educating customers
* interfacing with engineering, product management and support
management when necessary in order to prioritise customers' requests
* incorporating your findings in Red Hat's Knowledge Base when necessary
Technical skills:
* 3+ years of commercial Linux experience in the enterprise sector
* Linux system administration experience at RHCE level (RHCE not
required). Self assess your RHCE skills at the following address:
* good theoretical knowledge of networking, UNIX-like services and concepts
* advanced application debugging knowledge
* basic kernel debugging and tuning knowledge
* software development experience (programming and scripting languages)
not required but considered an advantage
* knowledge of enterprise storage solutions and clustering considered an
* knowledge of enterprise database solutions considered an advantage
* strong troubleshooting skills and a passion for problem solving and
* customer focus and service orientation
* ability to work well in a team
* ability to multi-task, prioritise and work under pressure
* ability to work in process-driven environments as well as in contexts
where consultation with colleagues, taking initiative and judgement
calls are necessary
* ability to communicate courteously and effectively with customers,
third party vendors and Red Hat associates
* knowledge of support systems and tools considered an advantage
* contributions (not necessarily development) to Open Source community
and projects considered an advantage
Preferred education:
* IT degree or equivalent experience in the enterprise IT sector
* RHCE or equivalent not required but considered an advantage
* Fluent in written and spoken English
* Written and spoken fluency in any of French, German, Italian, Spanish
considered an advantage
Hallo Freunde,
wer von Euch würde/geht denn da hin?
Als Info oder zusätzlicher "Background" Linuxtag 2009 ist ebenfalls in
Berlin ...
... und zwar vom 24.06 - 27.06.09
Müssen/sollen wir auch dort vertreten sein?
Gerold Kassube
Fedora Ambassador
Deutschland / Germany
Schweiz / Switzerland
Email: GeroldKa(a)
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