Hi, folks. Just a question - since GNOME 3 is being delayed and won't
ship in F14, does it make sense to have a few apps (but not many) ported
to GTK+ 3 for F14? I can see it causing more trouble along the lines of
the gnome-python2-desktop package. Would it be better to move them back
to GTK+ 2 and postpone porting to GTK+ 3 until F15? What's the plan in
general for backing off from 2.90.x versions of GNOME bits? Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org
Hi, folks. I'm helping dmalcolm with the Python 2.7 rebuild at the
moment. gnome-python2-desktop is failing to build for reasons which have
nothing to do with Python 2.7 and everything to do with GTK+ 3 and GNOME
It has modules for Brasero and Evince, both of which have now been
ported to GTK+ 3. Trying to build gnome-python2-desktop with these
modules enabled fails due to various changes between GTK+2 and GTK+3.
g-p2-d also has gnome media profiles support: gnome-media-profiles has
also been made into a new gnome-media-profiles-3.0 version which
requires GTK+3 according to its pkgconfig file, so I suspect
gnome-python2-desktop will need adjusting for that too.
For now I'm going to send David a build with the Brasero and Evince
modules disabled and the gnome-media-profiles support also disabled.
This will break a couple of apps - pybackpack and sugar-read - but
that's presumably preferable to having gnome-python2-desktop broken
entirely (and hence also gnome-applets). Obviously, though, this should
be fixed properly - upstream, of course.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Fedora Talk: adamwill AT fedoraproject DOT org