Hi all.
We have a lot of "favorite" (ie. pinned to the sidebar in the
overview) apps. The current list is:
Firefox, Evolution, Empathy, Rhytmbox, Shotwell, LibreOffice Writer,
Nautilus, Documents and Software.
On the live media we also have the installer launcher pinned on that list.
I think this is too much. On small screens (laptops, vms) having so
many launchers there causes their icons to be scaled down a lot. I
understand the idea behind default favorites is "apps we want the user
to try", but this is just too much. I don't think we should have more
than 4 apps there.
So, I suggest removing some items from that list, and have a much
smaller one, what about:
Firefox, Evolution, Nautilus, Documents, Software (and of course the
installer when running on Live)
Does this make more sense? If so, I'll submit a patch to make this change :)
It's easy for us to change that list since we already patch it in
Fedora to replace Epiphany with Firefox.
-Elad Alfassa.