Hi folks!
So at this week's blocker review meeting, the fact that we don't have
explicit networking requirements in the release criteria really started
to bite us. In the past we have squeezed networking-related issues in
under other criteria, but for some issues that's really difficult,
notably VPN issues. So, we agreed we should draft some explicit
networking criteria.
This turns out to be a big area and quite hard to cover (who'd've
thought!), but here is at least a first draft for us to start from. My
proposal would be to add this to the Basic criteria. I have left out
some wikitext stuff from the proposal for clarity; I'd add it back in
on actually applying the proposed changes. It's just formatting stuff,
nothing that'd change the meaning. Anyone have thoughts, complaints,
alternative approaches, supplements? Thanks!
=== Network requirements ===
Each of these requirements apply to both installer and installed system
environments. For any given installer environment, the 'default network
configuration tools' are considered to be those the installer documents
as supported ways to configure networking (e.g. for anaconda-based
environments, configuration via kernel command line options, a
kickstart, or interactively in anaconda itself are included).
==== Basic networking ====
It must be possible to establish both IPv4 and IPv6 network connections
using DHCP and static addressing. The default network configuration
tools for the console and for release-blocking desktops must work well
enough to allow typical network connection configuration operations
without major workarounds. Standard network functions such as address
resolution and connections with common protocols such as ping, HTTP and
ssh must work as expected.
Footnote titled "Supported hardware": Supported network hardware is
hardware for which the Fedora kernel includes drivers and, where
necessary, for which a firmware package is available. If support for a
commonly-used piece or type of network hardware that would usually be
present is omitted, that may constitute a violation of this criterion,
after consideration of the [[Blocker_Bug_FAQ|hardware-dependent-
issues|normal factors for hardware-dependent issues]]. Similarly,
violations of this criteria that are hardware or configuration
dependent are, as usual, subject to consideration of those factors when
determining whether they are release-blocking
==== VPN connections ====
Using the default network configuration tools for the console and for
release-blocking desktops, it must be possible to establish a working
connection to common OpenVPN, openconnect-supported and vpnc-supported
VNC servers with typical configurations.
Footnote title "Supported servers and configurations": As there are
many different VPN server applications and configurations, blocker
reviewers must use their best judgment in determining whether
violations of this criterion are likely to be encountered commonly
enough to block a release, and if so, at which milestone. As a general
principle, the more people are likely to use affected servers and the
less complicated the configuration required to hit the bug, the more
likely it is to be a blocker.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2021-03-30)
Meeting started by cmurf at 05:07:15 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Rollcall (cmurf, 05:07:35)
* present: Allan, Chris, Tomas, Michael, Jens, Neal, Kalev,
Matthias (cmurf, 05:07:36)
* regrets: Owen, Langdon, (cmurf, 05:07:38)
* present guests: (cmurf, 05:07:40)
* Approval of Mar 23 minutes (cmurf, 05:07:42)
(cmurf, 05:07:44)
* AGREED: no objections (cmurf, 05:07:46)
* Announcements, follow-ups, status reports (cmurf, 05:07:48)
* Consider limiting the journal in size (cmurf, 05:07:56)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/213 (cmurf,
* devel list thread (cmurf, 05:08:00)
(cmurf, 05:08:02)
* ACTION: : Chris will revive the devel discussion(s), revisit later
(cmurf, 05:08:18)
* Include Fedora Media Writer in the default install (cmurf, 05:08:20)
* ACTION: wait for improvements in F35, further discussion next week
(cmurf, 05:08:42)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/214 (cmurf,
Meeting ended at 05:09:38 UTC.
Action Items
* : Chris will revive the devel discussion(s), revisit later
* wait for improvements in F35, further discussion next week
Action Items, by person
* : Chris will revive the devel discussion(s), revisit later
* wait for improvements in F35, further discussion next week
People Present (lines said)
* cmurf (40)
* zodbot (7)
* mcatanzaro (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
#fedora-meeting-2: Workstation WG (2021-03-23)
Meeting started by cmurf at 02:15:11 UTC. The full logs are available at
Meeting summary
* Rollcall (cmurf, 02:15:28)
* present: Allan, Chris, Tomas, Michael, Jens, Neal, Kalev, Owen,
Langdon, Matthias (cmurf, 02:15:30)
* regrets: (cmurf, 02:15:32)
* present guests: (cmurf, 02:15:34)
* Approval of Mar 16 minutes (cmurf, 02:15:36)
(cmurf, 02:15:38)
* AGREED: no objections (cmurf, 02:15:40)
* Announcements, follow-ups, status reports (cmurf, 02:15:42)
* Linux App Summit (May 13) and GUADEC (July 21) CFP is opened!
(cmurf, 02:15:45)
* Fedora 34 Beta is going out today (cmurf, 02:15:46)
* GNOME 40.0 is in updates-testing, testing and karma welcomed
(cmurf, 02:15:49)
* LINK: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-b86f087d94
(cmurf, 02:15:51)
* GNOME 40 is scheduled to be released upstream tomorrow (cmurf,
* Test Days last week - a success, some issues are not yet fixed
(Welcome Tour) (cmurf, 02:15:55)
(cmurf, 02:15:56)
* LINK: https://testdays.fedoraproject.org/events/106 (cmurf,
* The Workstation Working Group is a bottleneck (cmurf, 02:16:02)
* LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-workstation/issue/218 (cmurf,
* ACTION: kalev prepare the Fractal task (together with Neal) (cmurf,
* We will come up with a list of next actions in the ticket. (cmurf,
* OpenFloor (cmurf, 02:16:54)
Meeting ended at 02:17:05 UTC.
Action Items
* kalev prepare the Fractal task (together with Neal)
Action Items, by person
* kalev prepare the Fractal task (together with Neal)
People Present (lines said)
* cmurf (48)
* zodbot (7)
* mcatanzaro (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
On 3/18/21 7:54 AM, Beautex wrote:
> Long story short: We have one of those little $100 Chinese mini PCs running 18.04 LTS. ("Wintel Pro" / "Wintel Box") It thinks it has a battery, possibly because it thinks it is a laptop. The "battery" level notifications - that I have tried a million ways to kill - are driving me nuts because I'm trying to use this machine to run a looping slideshow while the workplace is open.
> Long story short: We have one of those little $100 Chinese mini PCs running 18.04 LTS. ("Wintel Pro" / "Wintel Box") It thinks it has a battery, possibly because it thinks it is a laptop. The "battery" level notifications - that I have tried a million ways to kill - are driving me nuts because I'm trying to use this machine to run a looping slideshow while the workplace is open.
> Thought I might have had this fixed but HAHAHA NOPE
> Related question: Why does Ubuntu power management set a battery as the default power supply on a desktop machine?
> This is where someone asked "What is the output of laptop-detect -v?"
> It is: We're a laptop (non device ACPI batteries found)
> But we are emphatically not a laptop, and we don't want to be a laptop. How can we not be a laptop?
> https://www.miscof.com/best-laptops-for-medical-schools-in-2020-top-reviews/
> CPU is Intel Atom x5-Z8350. Do let me know if additional information is required. The fault may have nothing to do with Ubuntu but I live in hope Ubuntu might have the tools to fix it.
Notice that you send this email to a Fedora mailinglist and Fedora is a different Linux
With that said, this is a known issue with some of these Intel Atom x5-Z83xx based boxes,
they use an AXP288 PMIC and often the BIOS does not turn off the fuel-gauge (battery
monitoring) part of this chip.
The driver for the AXP288 fuel-gauge contains a list of devices like this:
So the fix will be to add your device to this list.
Please as a regular user in a terninal run:
grep . /sys/class/dmi/id/* 2> /dev/null
On the device and then copy and paste the output into your next email / reply.
That will give me the info which I need to add your device to the no-fuel-gauge list.