On 11/08/2016 12:34 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2016 at 12:22:31PM -0500, Bastien Nocera wrote:
>> At https://wiki.gnome.org/Design/OS/DownstreamBranding you'll find
>> the start of lists for downstream branding possibilities. If you know
>> of other branding used in distributions, or new ideas, please feel
>> free to add those (or mail me privately if you don't have a GNOME
>> Wiki account).
> Thanks Bastien. This seems constructive. Would you consider changing
> "does not impact on the visual identity" to something like "provide a
> distinct visual identity which works in harmony with the GNOME visual
> identity and user experience"?
As an aside, can we try to get "default hostname" off the list? I've actually
been trying to push for eliminating the default hostname in favor of a
randomly-generated valid name so that we can play better with FreeIPA and AD
environments. (Clients of those systems must always have unique names; conflicts
cause hard-to-debug issues).
One such reference: https://github.com/rhinstaller/anaconda/pull/164 (the
implementation is mostly abandoned at this point, but the purpose is unchanged)
Or, if it is determined that this is important to do, can we try for something
like "fedora-UUID" as a default hostname, so it's at least unique?