Hi, everyone. Fedora 14 Beta RC3 images - that's the third (and hopefully final) release candidate for F14 Beta - are now available for testing here:
aside from anaconda fixes, the backgrounds are now present in LXDE and XFCE, and LXDE initializes ConsoleKit correctly, fixing several major issues. I've tested that each of these boots to a desktop successfully, so they're not DOA, you won't be wasting your time to download them.
Please, if you have some time, help fill out the test matrix here:
just click on a test name, follow the steps, and enter your result in the table (there's a key explaining how to put the results in the table). Even if someone else has done a test, you can add your result: the table will handle this and we can have more confidence with many results than with one. Even if you can only do one or two tests, it's useful! We have to have the table filled out (at least with the Alpha and Beta tests) to go ahead and release the Beta. The go/no-go meeting is on Wednesday afternoon US time, so results need to be in by then for the Beta. Thanks a lot, everyone!