On Wed, 2013-03-20 at 14:29 -0400, seth vidal wrote:
I completely disagree - This is a fedora desktop list - I recommended a simple and technical solution to our disagreement. There was nothing inflammatory about it whatsoever. I recommended using another, available, program that steps around the issue and is immediately available to fedora.
If this were a gnome mailing list I would agree that it would be inappropriate but this is not a gnome mailing list - this is the fedora desktop list.
If you could address the technical issues of my suggestion, I'd be happy to hear.
If you're interested I'll be happy to explain why I think your message was inflammatory, but in private mail.
It was technically misinformed because it assumed a piece of software like GDM can be swapped out with no, or minor, impact on the rest of the desktop image, and more so because it assumed that it'd be easier than adding a logo to GDM.