Am Freitag, den 24.06.2011, 09:51 +0100 schrieb Bastien Nocera:
On Thu, 2011-06-23 at 23:10 +0200, Christoph Wickert wrote:
I wondered how to set the default terminal in GNOME 3. The internet revealed
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec <terminal> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec-arg "'-e'"
This raises 2 questions: 1. Will it be possible to set the default terminal again in GNOME 3.2?
It's possible, but I really wouldn't want to see it in the UI. Feel free to ask gnome-tweak-tool to add it.
Why not? I consider this not a tweak but a very basic task. I mean, why not force people to use evolution, epiphany and totem then?
2. Where is 'exec-arg' arg coming from?
Well, I know there is a preset for gnome-terminal but what about other terminals?
In the past we had the xml files in /usr/share/gnome-control-center/default-apps/ which contained an 'exec-flag'. How can I as a maintainer of several terminal applications let people know the proper exec-flag/exec-arg?
Is that XML file not current anymore? I don't really understand the question.
Right, there are no XML files any longer. Xfce's Terminal package still has one (because it was built a while ago) but the value is not picked up. gnome-terminal no longer provides an XML file. I looked for a X-GNOME-* key in gnome-terminal.desktop, but no luck either.
It seems like exec-flag/exec-arg only live in the schema you linked and it is no longer possible for a developer/maintainer to deliver a working configuration for other terminals. Is that correct?
Regards, Christoph