On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 03:52:13PM -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
You can select your choices here: http://whenisgood.net/xfr4i5y
I've set the choices as either (or both if they're equally good for you) of Wed 2014-Nov-05, 10:00am EST (1500 UTC) or 11:00am EST (1600 UTC). By keeping the same UTC time, the meeting moves an hour earlier for most people as of next week when the USA joins the rest of the world in dropping DST. By moving it an hour later in UTC, the same wall-clock time will hold for everyone.
Working group members, please enter your choices at the URL above and please enter your name in the form as well, so we can tell who will be missed at a particular time slot.
If for some reason neither choices yields a quorum by Friday I'll post a bigger matrix and we can reset the time, but hopefully we can avoid that.
Fortunately we got our quorum with 6 of 9 responses, and 11:00am EST (1600 UTC) on November 5 will work for everyone.
FYI, there were two -1 responses for the 10:00am EST (1500 UTC) time, and my response was not part of the quorum.