- Make upgrades painless.
hopefully solved by rpm-ostree
- Other improvements to updates (not necessarily upgrades): make them happen in the background, and provide a way to roll back if something isn't good. Also this for user tweaks rather than just updates.
hopefully solved by a combination of rpm-ostree and flatpak.
- Give the ability to have package X move at a pace I choose. Separate dev stack from base OS.
hopefully solvable by flatpak versioned runtimes
- Hardware compatibility just works. (Wifi, sound, HDMI, graphics, suspend, etc.)
- Mixed DPI multi-monitor support.
hopefully solved by wayland
- Look nice, better fonts, general usability, etc.
hopefully solved already?
- Cross-distro packaging
- Containerized GUI apps
It seems like we're already going in the right direction, modulo hardware compat, which is just really hard.
I do find it interesting no one talked about out of the box multimedia support.