On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 10:25 AM mcatanzaro@gnome.org wrote:
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 7:59 AM, Paul Frields stickster@gmail.com wrote:
With some added $dayjob obligations taking over my morning calendar time, I find myself unable to make the WG meeting time on Mondays at 0900 US-Eastern. I'm considering whether in good conscience I should step back from the WG, and allow someone with more availability to take my place.
In the meantime, I wanted to give a heads up that I can't make the January 14 or following slots. I'm not asking the whole WG to shift on my account. I recall how few timeslots were workable for the majority. If there's someone on the list who is eager to throw a hat in, please respond here.
Hmm.... it's not really problematic to do a Doodle poll every year or two to find a meeting time that works well for everyone. I don't think you need to step down because of a conflict with a particular timeslot! (FWIW, moving the meeting time would be convenient for me. For the past year or so, I've had another meeting that starts at 9:30 Eastern, and it's not easy for me to keep up with the WG meeting during this time.)
But if *all* of your morning hours are unavailable every day of the week, then I doubt it would be possible to find a time that will work for US, Europe, and Asia. Really the only way to make these work for everyone is early morning US, late night Asia.
I can set up a Doodle poll. I didn't want to assume that anything should change just for me. OTOH, it does make sense to check that we're not losing or inconveniencing others due to timing. Agreed, there's no way to make every TZ work, morning US is best. (Which is exactly my conundrum since I have many slots filled with EU folks.) Most of my mornings are crammed, Friday sometimes being the exception.
I've set up a Doodle poll and people can fill it in: https://doodle.com/poll/hnyvwixhxugvta7h