Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote: | Is it just me, or does the openoffice icon artwork look really terrible | and difficult-to-understand? I opened a bugzilla for it: | | https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=156424 | | If those agreeing/disagreeing could post comments there, it would be | great. | | Kyrre Ness Sj�b�k | IMHO it is without question *just you*. Personally, they're among the very few icons that are bright, colorful and _easy_ to identify. The problem I see for newbies is that gnome isn't as inviting as kde because _a lot_ of the icons and themes use dark or matte colors (not bad in my book) which tends to make them unreadable (_very, very_ bad in my book). This is one of the many reasons that kde is so much more popular with newbies. It's more M$-like - true - but one of the main reasons that kde is M$-like is the polish of there brightly colored "friendly" icons. This is something the new OOo icons have captured and again, it's a _very, very, very good thing_.