tir, 15 08 2006 kl. 01:22 -0400, skrev Bill Nottingham:
David Nielsen (david@lovesunix.net) said:
Use NetworkManager. (Yes, I'm a broken record here.)
Pretty much Bill, so pray tell us when exactly will NM be ready for default deployment in Fedora like say OpenSuSE/SLED does. Untill that glorious day these concerns are perfectly valid and a perfect indicator as to just how much we need a fully functional NM implementation suitable for the core Fedora use cases.
If you want to deploy a desktop in such a configuration how does:
chkconfig --level 345 network off chckonfig --level 345 NetworkManager on
not work for you?
My point was that we don't yet do this by default which means the concerns still apply to any default case for Fedora.
And I was wondering when we might see NetworkMAnager be deployed as the standard solution for networking, I'm hoping for FC7.
- David