On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 15:01:31 -0500, Gain Paolo Mureddu wrote:
Yes, and this does not happen exclusively with Epiphany. It pretty much happens when you have an icon "outside" the scope of your currently used icon theme (I know 'cause I use a custom one). Even though many applications icons are in place in my current theme, there's quite a bit of them missing (like Amarok, for instance...) I found that I had to add the inherited icon theme I wanted to use for some icons too (I'm currently using a Mac-esque icon theme, and I had to inherit the crystal icon theme too).
I'm not sure I understand "inherit" in this context. I did say, I think, that the machine in question is one that I upgraded from FC1 to FC4 -- and should have said, if I didn't, that everything including the icon was normal before the upgrade. So I should have inherited -- if I understand aright.
Sure enough the panel would complaint about not having an icon available for the launcher, that file was missing and such and such. I wonder why is the file not being seen when it fells outside the scope of you currently used icons theme, unless you inherit the icon (or link the icon you want into your theme's expected directory, like /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/48x48/apps/).
To judge from the error box I get, FC4 seems to expect it to be in /usr/share/icons/gnome rather than the one above, where it is.
At least there's a bugzilla now about it.
Oh good. By yourself? Thank you for that. I can't seem to get my head around bugzilla for some reason ....