No comment on Fedora Enterprise, but what tools are you referring to?You don't name anything concrete, so it is hard to comment.
I would say for a "Fedora Home" edition the only application I
would remove would be boxee and virtualization altogether and
replace it with a password manager if Gnome has one.
Component wise anything related to enterprise user management and
login, enterprise storage local and remote including clients.
+ I personally would remove atd chrony and probably do few other long over due tweaks and cleanups in the process as well.
One thing that I have never understood over these years and that
is which target audience is the workstation group aiming for?
From my POV practically speaking.
If the target end users is "regular" person then in reality that
person does not use 2/3 of what's being shipped by default. ( he
uses just browser,email client,image app to remove red eyes from
family photos, calculator and an office application. )
If the target end user is a technical person he can install it himself if he needs it.
If the target user is the corporate employee then he has to follow corporate policies which more often than not include the IT department having full control over the hardware (laptop/phone/workstation) and the OS images that run on it so Fedora is never used as it comes out of the box so to speak.
So in the year 2020 where are we trying to position ourselves?
Are we aiming for the end user market or the enterprise market?
( which leaves out one over the other )
Are we targeting both?
( which would require 2 different editions, If the answer is yes
but with one image we are back to being "generic" and on square
one )