Is the recent Appstream guideline for fonts [1] applicable for Gnome Software? While reading it for preparing the metainfo.xml, I noticed these following lines:
<id/> For fonts, the |%{id}|must be the name of the font or font bundle without whitespaces, and must be suffixed with |.font|.
Can ".font" be omitted because majority of metainfo.xml lacks that suffix?
<provides> <fontfile="LinLibertine_R.otf">Linux Libertine O</font> <fontfile="LinLibertine_M.otf">Linux Libertine Mono</font> </provides>
Is <provides> optional? If upstream includes two versions of fonts in either TTF or OFT, which one is suitable? Can both be included?
I plan to submit the Montserrat metainfo.xml to upstream but I would like to make sure the upstream guideline matches with Fedora Appdata guideline.
Ref: ----- [1]