I was running rawhide updated to March 10. Went on vacation, yesterday
did a full upgrade to fc5. Used yum to get updates released. Now X
won't start. I think it's some sort of xfs problem.
with gnome, I get the fedora bubble logo, then a black screen, alt-f1
gets me the console, which shows:
waiting for X server to shut down FreeFontPath: FPE "unix/7100" refcount
is 2, should be 1, fixing
syslog shows:
gnome_segv2[3263]: segfault at 0000000000xxxxxxxx .........
kde also won't start. The console shows:
xset: bad font path element (#76), .......
and syslog shows kded, ksplash, kcminit, and ksmserver segfaulting.
I've restarted xfs ( no errors in syslog ). I've rebooted.
Do I need to do some mkfontdir voodoo in each font directory? What did
the upgrade change? I've seen no similar problems posted, so I assume
it's a rawhide->fc5 issue.