My name is Philippe Moret I'm living in Lugano, in the italian part of
Switzerland. I'm also sometimes in the french part during the week-ends.
I'm currently a second year PhD student in computer science at the
University of Lugano.
Your goals in the Fedora Project
Well, I'd like to help the open source community by contributing to a
project, even if I don't know how much time I'll be able to spend for
this ;-)
Which packages do you want to see published?
I noticed that Amaya was not anymore maintained and with a friend who's
already involved in the project (Thibault North) I've tried to package
the new version, this will probably be my first contribution. Otherwise
I'm intersted in Java in general and I will probably help with
java-related packages. I have also an interest in photography, so
related software would also interest me. And hopefully I will be able to
release part of my research work as a free software :D ...
Historical qualifications
MSc in CS, on my way to have a PhD...
What other projects have you worked on in the past?
Nothing serious, a few toy-projects...
What computer languages and other skills do you know?
I'm more at ease with Java, a bit of C, sh and Perl for the everyday
needs, a little bit of LISP...
Why should we trust you?
Why not ?
pub 1024D/86B5069E 2006-01-09 [expires: 2011-01-08]
Key fingerprint = BCDA 4F4B D2FB D8A0 C75B 24DB A73E E73A 86B5 069E
uid Philippe Moret <philippe.moret(a)gmail.com>
sub 2048g/CEB904B8 2006-01-09 [expires: 2011-01-08]
I will just need a sponsor to set up my Fedora Account by signing the
CLA and all that.
Philippe Moret