I'm not sure if there's a better list for this to go to, but there seems
to be a problem generating deltarpms for F14 OOo (and a few other
packages) on releng2. Specifically, the updates->updates deltarpms
aren't being generated, while the GA->updates deltarpms are.
When I checked the mash.out log for the 101202.1757 push, there are
loads of error messages following the form of:
Error genDeltaRPM for openoffice.org-langpack-pt_PT: exitcode was 256 -
Reported Error: bad cpio archive
The problem is that this error normally comes up when one of the rpms is
corrupt, but manually running deltarpm between an rpm from the
101201.1909 push and the update from the 101202.1757 push results in a
proper drpm and no errors.
As far as I can see, this only affected the openoffice.org* and
autocorr* packages in the 101202 push, and the rest of the packages in
the push had all the proper deltarpms generated.
I'm not sure where to go from here. Any ideas on how to track this