I intend to orphan and dead.package pdfedit. If anyone wants to take it feel
free. It has a unmaintained and buggy qt3 interface. Perhaps someday
upstream will create a new qt4 one, but I'm done holding my breath.
Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager 303-415-9701 x222
NWRA/CoRA Division FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane orion(a)cora.nwra.com
Boulder, CO 80301 http://www.cora.nwra.com
Since F15 ~/bin has been added to PATH, and commands that are supposed to run user scripts will work without changing into that directory. Meanwhile, ~/.local/bin isn't used. I'd like to propose that it is also added because technically it is ~/bin's brother.
Yes, user scripts can be kept in ~/bin for editing purposes. I prefer to edit them where I run them, in a terminal, especially when using the machine remotely. And it would be nice for those who want to move scripts out of the way so these don't get deleted accidentally along with some user stuff. It takes some time to write a script and only a second to delete a bunch of files.
Best regards,
Misha Shnurapet, Fedora Project Contributor
Email: shnurapet AT fedoraproject.org, IRC: misha on freenode
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/shnurapet, GPG: 00217306
FYI, I've just yum-updated my rawhide VM to the latest
(but not from the console) and was surprised to lose the connection
while it was happening. Again. It happened to me last week, too.
I got back in via the console and tried to reinstall it via "yum
reinstall openssh-server". That failed (sorry, didn't record the diagnostic).
Just dug a little and found this was reported a week ago:
To fix it, I did this (from a console, of course):
yum -y remove openssh-server &&
yum -y install openssh-server &&
service ssh restart
I filed a report for what I believe to be a rather obvious but
serious bug concerning the gmime package [1]. Unfortunately, the
package does not seem to get any attenation from maintainers. I
have tried to contact Alexsander Larsson by email, offering to
co-maintain the package, but no luck so far. Do I have to exercise
the non-responsive maintainer policy or can you guys help me out?
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=723835
I have some problems removing bundled libraries from a package of mine.
I recently filed a Review Request due to a name change of the package
and during that process the bundled libs were found. [1]
Namely the package contains:
- hunspell
- qtsingleapplication
- qcodeedit (although I recently packaged it, it is too heavily patched
by the Texstudio devs, so I will file a request for an exception)
Since Texstudio was/is a fork of Texmaker I tried to apply the patch
from it, but I haven't had much success. Most of the functions and or
the location of the functions already changed. [2]
I would really like to ask if someone could take a look at it and help
me out.
Thanks in advance!
For a while now I've wanted to get some sort of package review SIG
going. The package review process hasn't really evolved much since it
was instituted way back when, and now it (and the portion of the
sponsorship process it overlaps) has become a major bottleneck in one of
the main ways of getting new contributors into the project.
I'm (once again*) looking for a few good volunteers to get the SIG off
the ground. In the past every discussion about starting this SIG has
sidetracked off into grand discussion about tools that can take care of
the process, but at the start I'd like to focus on organization. How
many people can we muster? Do we need to have some sort of regular IRC
meetings? How can we best attack the ever-growing review queue?
Once we have some basic things figured out and reasonable-sized group of
people involved, we can move on to the big issues of policies,
modifications to the process, working with FESCo and, yes, tools.
So, if you want to help out, feel free to reply. Add yourself to
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Package_Review#Members if you like.
If you have ideas, add them to the brainstorming section there as well.
*) Yes, I've tried to do this before, a good three years ago. It didn't
get off the ground then, but it's never too late to try again and the
need for this SIG is, I think, more pressing now than it's ever been.
- J<
Trying to help packaging dmtcp. There are 2 shared libs installed. They are
stripped by the rpm install, and then fail when attempting to dlopen them (or 1
of them).
1. Is that normal behaviour?
2. How can I avoid it?