I have the yarrow's iso files on my HD in a RH9 system. Let's say I want
to upgrade selected packages using an "apt-get install" pointing to my
iso-mounted files, how do I do it?
i.e I mount the iso into some /mnt/yarrow1, /mnt/yarrow 2 etc..
Then what is the complete procedure to make my apt look into my own HD to
upgrade packages. Can anybody redirect me to the correct
resource or some literature hanging on the web? Thanks.
Assume also that I do not wish to burn CDs! I do not want to use
apt-cdrom. Thanks.
With kind regards,
PhD student
Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)
5 Research Link,
Singapore 117603
Email: slsbdfc at nus dot edu dot sg \or\
didierbe at sps dot nus dot edu dot sg
Website: http://ssls.nus.edu.sg
I just had to setup a new machine, and new ssh keys.
I visited
I chose my new id_rsa.pub to upload.
But I get:
git push --verbose
Pushing to ssh://nbecker@pkgs.fedoraproject.org/mercurial
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
This proposal was originally at https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1104
(mitr asked me to move the discussion to fedora-devel to get more
attention and feedback)
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hardened_Packages page mentions
that "FESCo requires some packages to use PIE and relro hardening by
It would be great if this list could be expanded to include even more
packages which are at comparatively more risk of being exploited (locally
or remotely).
Such packages will typically include various system daemons, network
daemons and network enabled applications.
Lot of network daemons are already using PIE and RELRO (e.g. httpd,
MariaDB). So a natural question is why packages in same "network
daemons" class like PostgreSQL, Dovecot and MongoDB aren't being
Some of the ways to implement this proposal are,
1. Hardening flags should be turned on (by default) for all packages
which are at comparatively more risk of being exploited or which meet
some well-defined criteria (suggestions welcome).
"Packaging Guidelines" say that "Other packages may enable the flags at
the maintainer's discretion."
Thinking from a security perspective, I find "Hardening flags can only
be disabled for other packages at the maintainer's discretion provided
enough justification is given to FESCo" to be more appropriate.
2. An alternate approach is to come up with an expanded list of packages
which should be hardened.
Any feedback is welcome!
I'm not sure whether or not this is a bug, but it sure looks strange.
$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/ssh
$ ldd /usr/bin/ssh|grep ldap
libldap-2.4.so.2 => /lib64/libldap-2.4.so.2 (0x00007fad274fc000)
/usr/lib64/libldap-2.4.so.2 is a symbolic link to a symbolic link
which passes through a -devel package.
/usr/lib64/libldap-2.4.so.2 -> libldap.so # openldap-2.4.34-1.fc18
/usr/lib64/libldap.so -> libldap-2.4.so.2.9.0 # openldap-devel-2.4.34-1.fc18
/usr/lib64/libldap-2.4.so.2.9.0 is a real file # openldap-2.4.34-1.fc18
To cut a long story short, I fixed this by uninstalling openldap-devel
and reinstalling it. Now there is no -devel package in the chain:
$ ldd /usr/bin/ssh | grep ldap
libldap-2.4.so.2 => /lib64/libldap-2.4.so.2 (0x00007fe8caf69000)
/lib64/libldap-2.4.so.2 -> libldap-2.4.so.2.9.0
I'd like to understand how the original situation happened, because it
broke a supermin-built appliance (RHBZ#954185). I assume ldconfig
must have something to do with it. There is nothing unusual in the
%scripts of openldap (it just runs ldconfig as you'd expect), nor is
there any special openssh/openldap config file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine. Supports Linux and Windows.
I'm trying to package a web application with bundled fonts. These fonts
are used by the web clients (browsers), and just served from the Fedora
webapp. The case is similar to javascript .js files.
Trying to package the webfonts as dependencies I have run into problem
together with my reviewer. Basically, we don't know what to do. Some
- Where should webfonts be stored? A specific dir would be good, since
some fonts exists in both a webfont and desktop variant with the same
- How shoulld webapps get access to the system webfont? Is the apache
config file approach used for ..js files, where the webapp gets access
to specific system paths, usable also here?
- Given that the primary concern about fonts seems to be licensing, is
it really meaningful to unbundle them?
This is the short story. The somewhat longer:
Any help, out there?
the current xine-lib maintainer speaking. :-)
The Xine project:
has recently released a new major version, version 1.2.0.
Unfortunately, among the list of changes:
there are these new "features":
* Use libavutil-provided implementations for CRC, SHA1 and BASE64 algorithms,
this makes use of libavutil even outside the FFmpeg decoding plugin,
but avoid duplication of algorithms between different plugins.
* Use av_mallocz() when xine_xmalloc_aligned() wouldn't be needed.
* FFmpeg is now required as an external dependency; if you want to build
xine-lib from source, please download a copy of FFmpeg from their SVN
which basically mean that xine-lib now has a global, non-optional dependency
on FFmpeg's libavutil library.
So there are 4 possible ways forward:
(a) Stick with 1.1.x forever. I don't think that's a good idea in the long
run, upstream won't be providing security fixes for the old branch forever.
(b) Package libavutil (and only libavutil) from FFmpeg in Fedora. (I don't
think libavutil, as opposed to libavcodec, is actually patent-encumbered,
though that'd also have to be checked.) The issue there is that FFmpeg
upstream obviously doesn't support this. It would need some more black
packaging magic of the kind already done in xine-lib, and more legal
auditing. I don't think I want to investigate going down that road.
(c) Bundle parts or all of libavutil with xine-lib. Yuck!!!
(d) Move the whole thing (back) to RPM Fusion (where it originally was, before
we started needing xine-lib for Amarok and Phonon, which both no longer
use it). It would go to the Free section, of course.
My proposal is to go with (d).
The following packages currently depend on xine-lib:
* gxine
* (k9copy – already in RPM Fusion, not affected)
* kaffeine (my package, the reason why I maintain xine-lib in the first place)
* oxine
* xine-plugin
* xine-ui
These packages would have to move to RPM Fusion along with xine-lib.
In Kaffeine's case, upstream is switching from xine-lib to MPlayer in their git
repository, so it will likely have to move to RPM Fusion sooner or later
anyway. This means the affected packages are basically *xine*.
So my plan is to retire (for my packages, resp. have the respective maintainer
retire) the listed packages in Fedora for Fedora ≥ 17 and get (or have the
respective maintainer get) them into RPM Fusion Free instead. (I'd take care
of xine-lib and kaffeine myself, I hope the maintainers of the other packages
will take care of them.)
Comments? Objections?
Kevin Kofler
I've been asked by Luya Tshimbalanga <luya(a)fedoraproject.org> to
maintain the gimp-separate+ package for official Fedora project so that
it can be included in Design Suite Livemedia.
Having read some introductory information, I would now like to introduce
myself with few short facts:
- I'm using Linux (at start Red Hat, later Fedora) since roughly 1997.
- To ease the maintenance of my systems, I'm creating RPM packages "just
for myself" since 1998 - this one seems to be the oldest one:
- I'm supporter of Free and Open Source Software and small-scale
contributor, more recently broadening it with participation in Open Data
- Now, Luya's invite finally pushed me to come closer to the Fedora project.
- I'm earning a living by doing software development and related
consulting work.
- I'm married with two children.
I'm looking forward for future cooperation. And I would also like to
thank in advance to all which will help me to get through initial stages
of first package submission
Peter Hanecak <hany(a)hany.sk>
GnuPG: http://hany.sk/~hany/gpg/E4C349E3.txt
I'm the current Fedora maintainer of the twinkle package.
Sadly, it's in poor shape:
- Segfaults on start in recent fedora versions (depending on config).
- Has not had an upstream release in 4+ years.
- Has not had any response from upstream maintainer in at least that
- Uses Qt3 and a complex stack of c++ libraries.
- 8 open bugs:
Debian removed it last year, Arch moved it to a user repo instead of
the main repo last year.
So, I am going to retire this package in rawhide soon unless there's
folks with a very strong C++ background wishing to fix issues and
basically become the new upstream.
Hello all,
although package Docky was lot of work for me (licensing patching etc) I
am no longer using it and last two releases were very unstable. There
are couple of bugzillas reported mainly because of gconf migration.
Docky is an advanced shortcut bar that sits at the edges of your screen.
It provides easy access to some of the files, folders and applications
on your computer, displays which applications are currently running,
holds windows in their minimized state and more.
Docky is written in mono.
Please ping me if you are interested to maintain the package.
Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
#katello #systemengine
PHP opcode cache is a very important feature for sites with large traffic.
APC is mostly a dead project.
No stable release for php 5.4, lot of issues.
Upstream move most of dev resources to new "Zend OPcache" which will be
the official opcode cache, integrated in PHP 5.5.0
To be able to drop this package, we need
1/ php-pecl-zendopcache, the Zend OPcache for php 5.3 / 5.4
Target version is EPEL-6 and Fedora <= 18 as Fedora >= 19 already have
php-opcache (subpackage of main php, same code)
2/ php-pecl-apcu, APCu, the drop-in replacement of APC for user data cache.
Target versions : Fedora >= 18 and EPEL-6
Please, review this.