I blocked the following packages that were retired in pkgdb but not
blocked in koji (there might be some packages included that have been
retired recently where rel-eng tickets were filed):
I also temporarily blocked the following packages but then run a
dependency check and noticed that a lot of packages depend on these
retired packages. The dependency check is not complete, because
too many packages are affected. I did not yet Bcc all maintainers, since
this affects too many maintainers as well.
Package (co)maintainers
directfb orphan, kwizart
libgssglue orphan
maven2-common-poms orphan, mizdebsk, akurtakov, fnasser, yyang, huwang,
dbhole, sochotni
python-quantumclient orphan, jruzicka, vaneldik, pbrady, apevec, gkotton,
markmc, rkukura
spacewalk-web orphan
tslib orphan
The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: directfb
xine-lib (maintained by: kkofler, kkofler, rdieter)
xine-lib-extras requires libdirect-1.6.so.0, libdirectfb-1.6.so.0, libfusion-1.6.so.0
Depending on: libgssglue
conserver (maintained by: jkastner)
conserver requires libgssglue.so.1, libgssglue.so.1(libgssapi_CITI_2)
conserver requires libgssapi-devel = 0.4-2.fc19, libgssglue-devel = 0.4-2.fc19
conserver-client requires libgssglue.so.1, libgssglue.so.1(libgssapi_CITI_2)
libserf (maintained by: cicku, jorton)
libserf requires libgssapi-devel = 0.4-2.fc19
rdesktop (maintained by: ssp, fab, alexl, caillon, caolanm, hadess, johnp, mbarnes, mclasen, rhughes, rstrode, ssp, xiphmont, rathann)
rdesktop requires libgssglue.so.1, libgssglue.so.1(libgssapi_CITI_2)
rdesktop requires libgssglue-devel = 0.4-2.fc19
gnome-rdp (maintained by: lbazan, vicodan, echevemaster, lbazan)
gnome-rdp requires rdesktop = 1.8.0-1.fc20
gnome-rdp requires rdesktop = 1.8.0-1.fc20
vinagre (maintained by: hadess, rishi, berrange, teuf)
vinagre requires rdesktop = 1.8.0-1.fc20
gnome-do-plugins (maintained by: nushio, mcrha, antiaircraft)
gnome-do-plugins-vinagre requires vinagre = 3.9.90-1.fc21
subversion (maintained by: jorton, lkundrak, kanarip)
subversion requires libserf-1.so.0
subversion-javahl requires libserf-1.so.0
subversion-libs requires libserf-1.so.0
subversion-python requires libserf-1.so.0
subversion-ruby requires libserf-1.so.0
subversion-tools requires libserf-1.so.0
Depending on: maven2-common-poms
antlr-maven-plugin (maintained by: spot, tradej)
antlr-maven-plugin requires maven2-common-poms = 1.0-50.fc20
buildnumber-maven-plugin (maintained by: weli, mizdebsk, tradej, dbhole)
buildnumber-maven-plugin requires maven2-common-poms = 1.0-50.fc20
maven-scm (maintained by: guidograzioli, mizdebsk, jcapik, akurtakov, sochotni, java-sig)
maven-scm requires maven2-common-poms = 1.0-50.fc20
mercury (maintained by: gil)
mercury requires maven2-common-poms = 1.0-50.fc20
plexus-ant-factory (maintained by: sochotni, tradej, msrb, mizdebsk, java-sig)
plexus-ant-factory requires maven2-common-poms = 1.0-50.fc20
maven-plugin-tools (maintained by: jcapik, mizdebsk, yyang, sochotni, java-sig, jcapik)
maven-plugin-tools requires plexus-ant-factory = 1.0-0.12.a2.1.fc20
maven-script-ant requires plexus-ant-factory = 1.0-0.12.a2.1.fc20
access-modifier-annotation (maintained by: msrb, tradej, mizdebsk, sochotni, java-sig)
access-modifier-annotation requires mvn(org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin) = 1.7
fasterxml-oss-parent (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
fasterxml-oss-parent requires mvn(org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin) = 1.7
maven-changelog-plugin (maintained by: huwang, msrb, jvanek, java-sig)
maven-changelog-plugin requires maven-scm = 1.7-6.fc19
maven-project-info-reports-plugin (maintained by: huwang, mizdebsk, java-sig)
maven-project-info-reports-plugin requires maven-scm = 1.7-6.fc19
maven-project-info-reports-plugin requires maven-scm = 1.7-6.fc19
maven-release (maintained by: guidograzioli, mizdebsk, java-sig, jcapik)
maven-release requires maven-scm = 1.7-6.fc19
maven-release-manager requires mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-api) = 1.7, mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-manager-plexus) = 1.7, mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-provider-svn-commons) = 1.7, mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-providers-standard) = 1.7
maven-release-plugin requires mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-api) = 1.7
maven-wagon (maintained by: fnasser, mizdebsk, akurtakov, dbhole, yyang, java-sig, jcapik)
maven-wagon requires mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-api) = 1.7
maven-wagon-scm requires mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-api) = 1.7, mvn(org.apache.maven.scm:maven-scm-manager-plexus) = 1.7
mybatis-parent (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
mybatis-parent requires mvn(org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin) = 1.7
antlr3 (maintained by: walters, sochotni, mjakubicek)
antlr3 requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
apache-commons-chain (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
apache-commons-chain requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
apache-commons-parent (maintained by: spike, mizdebsk)
apache-commons-parent requires mvn(org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin) = 1.2
apache-commons-parent requires mvn(org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin) = 1.2
bval (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
bval requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
janino (maintained by: gil)
janino requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
jboss-common-beans (maintained by: goldmann)
jboss-common-beans requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
jersey (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
jersey requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
jsr-311 (maintained by: jhernand, gil, goldmann)
jsr-311 requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
maven (maintained by: sochotni, jamielinux, tradej, msrb, mizdebsk, java-sig, akurtakov)
maven requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
maven2 (maintained by: yyang, msrb, mizdebsk, sochotni, yyang, dbhole, java-sig)
maven2 requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
netty31 (maintained by: madsa)
netty31 requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
openjpa (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
openjpa requires buildnumber-maven-plugin = 1.2-5.fc20
zanata-parent (maintained by: pahuang, seanf)
zanata-parent requires mvn(org.codehaus.mojo:buildnumber-maven-plugin) = 1.2
apacheds-shared (maintained by: gil, java-sig)
apacheds-shared requires antlr-maven-plugin = 2.2-10.fc20
checkstyle (maintained by: sochotni, tradej, mizdebsk, msrb, dbhole, sochotni)
checkstyle requires antlr-maven-plugin = 2.2-10.fc20
hibernate3 (maintained by: gil, gil, jhernand)
hibernate3 requires antlr-maven-plugin = 2.2-10.fc20
jgettext (maintained by: pahuang, seanf)
jgettext requires antlr-maven-plugin = 2.2-10.fc20
Depending on: python-quantumclient
openstack-quantum (maintained by: rkukura, itamarjp, otherwiseguy, mmagr, josecastroleon, vaneldik, pbrady, rackerjoe, apevec, chrisw, gkotton, markmc)
python-quantum requires python-quantumclient = 2:2.2.1-4.fc20
Depending on: spacewalk-web
nocpulse-common (maintained by: msuchy)
nocpulse-common requires perl(RHN::DBI)
spacewalk-admin (maintained by: msuchy)
spacewalk-admin requires perl(RHN::SatelliteCert), spacewalk-base = 1.9.22-4.fc20
spacewalk-backend (maintained by: msuchy)
spacewalk-backend-tools requires spacewalk-admin = 2.0.1-2.fc20
perl-NOCpulse-Debug (maintained by: msuchy)
perl-NOCpulse-Debug requires nocpulse-common = 2.2.7-2.fc20, perl(NOCpulse::Config)
perl-NOCpulse-Debug requires nocpulse-common = 2.2.7-2.fc20
perl-NOCpulse-Gritch (maintained by: msuchy, perl-sig)
perl-NOCpulse-Gritch requires perl(NOCpulse::Config)
perl-NOCpulse-Gritch requires perl(NOCpulse::Config)
perl-NOCpulse-Object (maintained by: msuchy)
perl-NOCpulse-Object requires perl(NOCpulse::Debug) = 1.23
perl-NOCpulse-Object requires perl(NOCpulse::Debug) = 1.23
perl-NOCpulse-CLAC (maintained by: msuchy)
perl-NOCpulse-CLAC requires perl(NOCpulse::Object) = 1.26, perl(NOCpulse::PersistentObject)
Depending on: tslib
ecore (maintained by: spot, vicodan, terjeros)
ecore requires libts-0.0.so.0
ecore requires tslib-devel = 1.0-7.fc20
e_dbus (maintained by: sundaram, vicodan, cicku)
e_dbus requires libecore.so.1
edje (maintained by: vicodan, spot, sundaram)
edje requires libecore.so.1, libecore_evas.so.1, libecore_file.so.1, libecore_imf.so.1, libecore_imf_evas.so.1, libecore_input.so.1
eeze (maintained by: vicodan, spot, sundaram)
eeze requires libecore.so.1
eio (maintained by: vicodan, spot, sundaram)
eio requires libecore.so.1
xmms2 (maintained by: spot, thomasj)
xmms2 requires libecore.so.1
xmms2-ruby requires libecore.so.1
gxmms2 (maintained by: spot)
gkrellxmms2 requires libxmmsclient-glib.so.1, libxmmsclient.so.6
gxmms2 requires libxmmsclient-glib.so.1, libxmmsclient.so.6
lxmusic (maintained by: cwickert)
lxmusic requires libxmmsclient-glib.so.1, libxmmsclient.so.6, xmms2 = 0.8-13.fc20
Affected (co)maintainersakurtakov: maven2-common-poms
alexl: libgssglue
antiaircraft: libgssglue
apevec: python-quantumclient
berrange: libgssglue
caillon: libgssglue
caolanm: libgssglue
chrisw: python-quantumclient
cicku: tslib, libgssglue
cwickert: tslib
dbhole: maven2-common-poms
echevemaster: libgssglue
fab: libgssglue
fnasser: maven2-common-poms
gil: maven2-common-poms
gkotton: python-quantumclient
goldmann: maven2-common-poms
guidograzioli: maven2-common-poms
hadess: libgssglue
huwang: maven2-common-poms
itamarjp: python-quantumclient
jamielinux: maven2-common-poms
java-sig: maven2-common-poms
jcapik: maven2-common-poms
jhernand: maven2-common-poms
jkastner: libgssglue
johnp: libgssglue
jorton: libgssglue
josecastroleon: python-quantumclient
jruzicka: python-quantumclient
jvanek: maven2-common-poms
kanarip: libgssglue
kkofler: directfb
kwizart: directfb
lbazan: libgssglue
lkundrak: libgssglue
madsa: maven2-common-poms
markmc: python-quantumclient
mbarnes: libgssglue
mclasen: libgssglue
mcrha: libgssglue
mizdebsk: maven2-common-poms
mjakubicek: maven2-common-poms
mmagr: python-quantumclient
msrb: maven2-common-poms
msuchy: spacewalk-web
nushio: libgssglue
otherwiseguy: python-quantumclient
pahuang: maven2-common-poms
pbrady: python-quantumclient
perl-sig: spacewalk-web
rackerjoe: python-quantumclient
rathann: libgssglue
rdieter: directfb
rhughes: libgssglue
rishi: libgssglue
rkukura: python-quantumclient
rstrode: libgssglue
seanf: maven2-common-poms
sochotni: maven2-common-poms
spike: maven2-common-poms
spot: tslib, maven2-common-poms
ssp: libgssglue
sundaram: tslib
terjeros: tslib
teuf: libgssglue
thomasj: tslib
tradej: maven2-common-poms
vaneldik: python-quantumclient
vicodan: tslib, libgssglue
walters: maven2-common-poms
weli: maven2-common-poms
xiphmont: libgssglue
yyang: maven2-common-poms