I'm trying to make a spec file that uses the devtoolset in RHEL 5/6 (
rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHEA-2013-0175.html ) but I haven't been able
to figure out how to enable devtoolset in the spec file. If I run 'scl
enable devtoolset-1.1 bash' before doing rpmbuild it works, but how do
I run a command like that in the spec file?
The closest thing I could find is this:
But when I tried using a macro or running just %(shell_command) it
appears that's happening in a subshell and not having the necessary
effect when returning to the main shell. Is there some trick to run a
shell command in the main shell?
Hello friends,
I have been part of the Fedora Project for several years (mainly as an
Ambassador) and now I've decided to join the Packaging team!
I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I work for IBM and I only have to
pass 1 exam (RH401) to become a RHCA.
I have been using Linux since the 90's. Starting with Red Hat Linux,
passing to Mandrake, SuSE, Slackware and finally a strong user of
Fedora since version 5.
I have submitted some packages to review. I look forward to use my
Linux skills to help make this distribution great and to learn a lot
of things on the way.
This is what I have submitted so far:
zodbot will describe me as:
User: delete, Name: Matías Kreder, email: mkreder(a)gmail.com, Creation:
2009-06-01, IRC Nick: delete,
Timezone: America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires, Locale: en, GPG key ID:
2048R/54A62E60, Status: active
Approved Groups: ambassadors cla_fedora cla_done freemedia marketing
+fedora-socialmedia cla_fpca
I look forward to get sponsorship for this group. If someone wants to
mentor me, the position is still open.
Best Regards,
Matias Kreder
Codename: "Thursday Release"
fedora-review devs proudly announce new release with tons of bugfixes and new
Kudos to our latest contributors:
- Pavel Raiskup (autotools checks)
- Josef Stribny (update of ruby checks)
Gentle reminder for PHP reviewers: you should install php-pci package to get
static code analysis during review (split off due to big dependency chain).
New stuff
- Removing the only php test which is outdated (5addbb4).
- Add checks for autotools obsolete macro usage (#206).
- Update ruby macro usage (#212).
- Automate several directory ownership checks (#187).
- Support display and modification of active plugins, initiated by
discussion in bz 989946. Adds plugin and flag feedback to template.
New --display-plugins and --plugins options.
- New DISTTAG flag used when disttag can't be deduced from prebuilt
packages (09304f2).
- Add hint if package has ExclusiveArch in deps (#166).
- Don't use and require mock when using --prebuilt (#208).
- Fix macro usage test which was misleading and plain wrong (#227).
- Fix bug for packages with a '++' in their name (bz 971977).
- Fix bug for check-desktop-database (#127, bz 952593).
- Preserve modification times when unpacking srpm and rpms (bz 982101).
- Don't flag remove %buildroot/path as error (bz 972672)
- Run rpmlint also on srpm (bz 981977)
- Support display and modification of active plugins, initiated by
discussion in bz 989946. Adds plugin and flag feedback to template.
- New --display-plugins and --plugins options.
- Stability tested on > 12000 packages. Fixes:
+ Corner case .desktop files (544eca2, 18cc82f).
+ Macros in %files line (7566e91).
+ Subpackages with version <> base package (4a6597a).
+ CheckDisttag: many fixes (ee87f44).
+ Look in %post/%postun for update-mime-database (7e73f89).
+ Clean up check-large-data output (8a37267).
+ Don't require R:rubygems on -doc, -devel and -fonts (#224).
+ Update check for static libs to current GL (#222).
+ Corner case checking desktop-file-validate w bash variabLe (#223).
+ Handle upstream rpm bug making %check test in ruby hard (#225).
- Fix URL for gtk-query-immodules (bz 980308).
Stanislav Ochotnicky <sochotnicky(a)redhat.com>
Software Engineer - Developer Experience
PGP: 7B087241
Red Hat Inc. http://cz.redhat.com
I've had a debate with some co-workers about whether or not a message
that's sent to the loopback interface makes it way into the IP layer and
is fragmented before flowing back up the network stack. Does it?
attached is a patch for Fedora comps that adds FreeIPA package group.
Please chime in with any feedback you might have!
Tomas Babej
Associate Software Engeneer | Red Hat | Identity Management
RHCE | Brno Site | IRC: tbabej | freeipa.org
So, I need somehelp with getting 957339 reviewed, and is willing to make
a review (possibly two simple) in return.
The package might look daunting, but it's just a rename.