Hello, I would like to ask if somebody knows how to contact Germán Racca,
fas skytux. My last communication with him was in May, we talked about
updating APLpy to use astropy instead of pywcs. Since then, he hasn't
answered me.
This is the request to update APLpy
due to a new dependence in the IQmol package, I need to get OpenMesh
It's a very straightforward package, and I'm willing to review
something of similar complexity.
Susi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor
As requested on this ticket, I'm opening this up for discussion.
There's a proposal to retire packages quite quickly (I think) after
they are orphaned. At the moment packages are retired once per
release. A notice is posted on devel list, see for example:
The proposal is to change this to 4 weeks after the package is
orphaned, assuming no maintainer picks up the package within that
It's my belief that:
(a) The reason for wanting packages to be retired so quickly has not
been made clear by rel-eng.
(b) The biggest reason for people to use one distro over another is
based on number of packages available to be installed. By retiring
packages more quickly we inevitably reduce this number thereby making
Fedora less popular.
(c) An orphaned package is not necessarily a risk ("security" has been
mentioned here ...). Just because it might be a risk on rare
occasions doesn't mean we have to throw out every orphaned package.
Security bugs can sit around in non-orphaned packages too.
(d) 4 weeks is too short. Some people go on holiday for this long.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine. Supports Linux and Windows.
Reposted from <http://fedoramagazine.org/5tftw-2014-08-19/>.
Fedora is a big project, and it’s hard to follow it all. This series
highlights interesting happenings in five different areas every week. It
isn’t comprehensive news coverage — just quick summaries with links to
each. Here are the five things for August 19th, 2014 (actually posted on
the 22nd, because sometimes life is like that):
You may have noticed that this nominally-Tuesday update is actually
appearing on *Friday*. That’s because I’m at LinuxCon North America in
Chicago, and I kept thinking "I’ll have a few minutes to work on that…"
and it turns out, nope.
In any case, a lot of cool stuff going on here, and a lot of Fedora
positivity. My talk on Fedora.next was well-attended and (I think!)
well-received, with a lot of good questions and feedback. There were
also some great related sessions, including Joe Brockmeier’s talk about
Project Atomic (with a Fedora-based live demo), and in general a *lot*
of Fedora users all around.
* http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-north-america
* http://sched.co/1jQoySF
* http://sched.co/1tFUtL4
Fedora Governance and Leadership Structure
I mentioned last week that there was a session on the future of Fedora
governance and leadership at our big Flock conference. As noted last
week, Flock is great for high-bandwidth discussion but not the right
place to actually make decisions, because we can’t possibly get all of
the community in one place (as much as I’d like to!). So, now, there’s
an important followup discussion on the board-discuss list. This
affects us all, so *your* participation is important.
* http://flock2014.sched.org/event/9d2f47d741d92f1ddf559bb918dcb2d1#.U_dZeUSz…
* http://flocktofedora.org/
* https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/board-discuss/2014-August/012712.…
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/board-discuss
Fedora "Design.next" Activity Day
The Fedora Design Team is organizing a Fedora Activity Day (which we
casually call a "FAD") for January 2015. See the FAD wiki page and
mailing list thread for details. It will be held at the Red Hat
headquarters near Boston, Massachusetts, and as as with all Premier
Fedora Events some travel funding may be available as needed. The
Design Team is an awesome, friendly group with an easy join process,
and if you’d like to get involved and help design the visual and user
experience future of the Fedora, now’s a great time.
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_DesignTeam_2014
* https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2014-August/006884.ht…
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Premier_Fedora_Events
* https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Design_Team
Fedora 21 Alpha Freeze: Any minute now!
Fedora Release Engineering is still working out some kinks in the
process, and dealing with a mass rebuild required by a glibc
compatibility break, but we expect to have that settled *really soon
now*. That means that we’ll go into Alpha Freeze as soon as a test
compose is available. (You may see people referring to a "TC" — that’s
what we’re talking about.) All of this will be announced to the
devel-announce mailing list, (which you should be subscribed to if
you’re interested in following this sort of thing, even if you’re not a
Fedora developer).
* https://lwn.net/Articles/605607/
* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Alpha_Milestone
* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_compose_request#Test_composes
* https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/devel-announce
Fedora in Linux Pro Magazine
Last week, we noted the Free from XP special edition from Linux New
Media, featuring Fedora. Fedora *also* features in Linux Pro Magazine’s
Issue #166, with articles on the Cinnamon and Mate desktops
environments, and the Fedora Robotics Suite included on the DVD. This
is available for order online now and should be in stores soon.
* http://fedoramagazine.org/free-from-xp-with-fedora/
* http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Issues/2014/166
* https://spins.fedoraproject.org/robotics/
Vacation Next Week
I’ll be on vacation next week (and largely offline — time for a break
after a month of travel and conferences!). Since this "Tuesday" update
is running at the end of the week anyway, I think we’ll just have a
5tFTW hiatus, and I’ll update on *all of the things* in early
Matthew Miller mattdm(a)mattdm.org <http://mattdm.org/>
Fedora Project Leader mattdm(a)fedoraproject.org <http://fedoraproject.org/>
Thanks to Lennart for joining our meeting today. We really only covered
the subpackage config topic today and Lennart gave a very detailed and
long explanation of the systemd and /etc handling with some ideas and
outlooks for the future and we discussed some of the specifics where needed.
Vaclav will be putting together a more detailed and summarized email
early next week to Fedora development to kick off a public discussion
around some of the ideas we discussed and talked about today.
The other topics unfortunately had to be postponed to next week's
meeting now as we kinda ran out of time.
Thanks & regards, Phil
Minutes (text):
Philipp Knirsch | Tel.: +49-711-96437-470
Manager Core Services | Fax.: +49-711-96437-111
Red Hat GmbH | Email: Phil Knirsch <pknirsch(a)redhat.com>
Wankelstrasse 5 | Web: http://www.redhat.com/
D-70563 Stuttgart, Germany