I have try to install a Fedora 32 Beta on a existent previous Fedora 31
system using an encrypted LVM
Something is wrong
I have not format the /home LV volume and format only the other swap, /
and /var old LV volume.
The setup keeps the original Encrypted LVM partition but encrypt also
the swap, / and /var LV device and make the FS on the encrypted LV
device into the VG partition already encrypted.
This is the post install situation.
/dev/mapper/luks-b84fa2fd-1c38-466d-ac79-d4d4a6db9ef3: UUID="cXpRFb-
TYPE="LVM2_member"/dev/mapper/dododell-root: UUID="3e0bd54f-1aa6-49c5-
8a00-98f18b1526d4" TYPE="crypto_LUKS"/dev/mapper/dododell-home:
LABEL="home" UUID="95239f07-6bb0-4fbf-8506-c75f563ae356"
BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs"/dev/mapper/dododell-swap: UUID="bdfd5321-
f1ce-4382-9897-504f7f3c81d8" TYPE="crypto_LUKS"/dev/mapper/dododell-
var: UUID="b855d0eb-1d13-4af2-8880-ea73961b13bd"
ea73961b13bd: LABEL="var" UUID="03abae3d-b344-497e-9c31-e7181c10097c"
BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs"/dev/mapper/luks-3e0bd54f-1aa6-49c5-8a00-
98f18b1526d4: LABEL="root" UUID="6cc68b6d-b9d7-4310-b2b6-ba8e5598b7b4"
BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs"/dev/mapper/luks-bdfd5321-f1ce-4382-9897-
504f7f3c81d8: LABEL="swap" UUID="2b02cc55-12c0-47ed-b866-e3f3619bb675"
I do not want this situation, I want only the VG device encrypted and
the filesystem created on LV device
In this case, the way to setup a Fedora 32 system on my new Dell G5-15
notebook (previous version do not work on this NB) is setup a Fedora 31
in basic graphic mode then upgrade it to Fedora 32.
It's this behavior a new feature or it's a bug of Anaconda on Fedora
32 ?
Many thanks for some suggest.
Dario Lesca
(inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 31 Workstation)