On Di April 21 2009, Adam Miller wrote:
I fixed both ninvaders and shed, but ifstatus seems to be quite the pain. The makefile is lacking to say the least and I can't seem to figure out how to make it spit out a valid debuginfo rpm. When I got it reviewed, my reviewer had me make a comment in the spec about the fact that its makefile can't handle %{?_smp_mflags} ... is it possible that it just won't spit out a debuginfo?
If that's not a possibility, then I would greatly appreciate some direction. http://maxamillion.fedorapeople.org/ifstatus-1.1.0-3.src.rpm http://maxamillion.fedorapeople.org/ifstatus.spec
The Makefile uses the default target to create .o files from .cc files. You can run this in the spec to get the optflags into make (or adjust the Makefile patch to also set CXXFLAGS to RPM_OPT_FLAGS by default):
make "CXXFLAGS=%{optflags}"
Regards Till