On 4/3/06, Horst von Brand vonbrand@inf.utfsm.cl wrote:
That is the crux of the matter: Glorious schemes for world domination "if only everybody will agree on the same configuration file syntax" are thrown around here, but the ones in charge of adopting said syntax have historically shown very, very little desire to agree on a syntax.
Here comes the role of distributions as the integrator. This is why I say each of these projects (Apache, Samba, everything on /etc/*, Gnome, KDE, etc) are a sort of "selfish" and "proprietary" when it comes to overall integration architecture.
So your idea is getting rid of configuration files and push everything into LDAP? What if the LDAP server is down?
What if you don't have/want a network? What if my mother only wants to install a new multimedia keyboard in her standalone Linux box? She'll have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf? Or wait for the distribution's HW detection tool to know how to handle that? Clearly the best solutions is to let the HW provider know that X.org configurations are pretty predictable in any distribution, and it just have to provide some scripts to precisely integrate itself in X.org configuration schema, instead of having to "compile", understand and regenerate /etc/X11/xorg.conf only to install itself. Being so difficult, this HW provider will simply, obviously, declare they do not support Linux.