On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 09:24:40 -0500, Eric Warnke eric@snowmoon.com wrote:
freeglut - library with no dependancy in core
Cough in the developmnent tree....libtiff rpm -q --requires libtiff libglut.so.3 rpm -q --whatprovides libglut.so.3 freeglut-2.2.0-14
how are you checking for deps? the libtiff deps isnt somthing obscure.. its required by gtk2. I just want to make sure you aren't wasting your time using a depcheck method thats going to be highly unreliable. Are you looking at the deps in fc3 or in rawhide? I'm not sure looking at the dep chains in fc3 gives an accurate picture for the sake of this discussion.
dasher - obscure alternate input method ! 10MB
uhm... thats almost an offensive comment... a11y elements are very important... just be glad you don't need them.
Possible without objections Guppi
used by gnucash.... how are you checking for deps? Even in fc3 this is a requirement. rawhide: libguppi.so.16 is needed by (installed) gnucash-1.8.11-1.i386 libguppitank.so.16 is needed by (installed) gnucash-1.8.11-1.i386 fc3: libguppi.so.16 is needed by (installed) gnucash-1.8.9-2.i386 libguppitank.so.16 is needed by (installed) gnucash-1.8.9-2.i386
ccs - cluster config?
if you don't understand the function perhaps its best not to list as being removable.
freeradius - complex package d:0
how is complexity a reason to drop it? apache is pretty complex as well. either make the duplication argument or make the argument that its unneeded in core.
h2ps - another postscript generator D:0
Are you saying that other cli postscript generators can convert Hangul and thus overlap in functionality?