2011/7/4 Alexander Kurtakov akurtako@redhat.com:
On 09:34:10 AM Saturday, July 02, 2011 Michał Piotrowski wrote:
Are there any plans to provide PostgreSQL 9.1 in Fedora 16? PostgreSQL 9.1 is in beta2 now and it's scheduled for Q3 2011.
It would be nice to see Lucene Core in F16. There is an old Lucene 2.9.x for F16 - the latest upstream version is 3.3.
As the Lucene maintainer I feel obligated to answer the Lucene part of the question. No, there won't be 3.3 in F16 unless someone else steps as the official maintainer or a miracle happens and more people start to work on the underlying Java stack. Updating Lucene is so low in my todo list that I don't envision it happening soon. Note that I don't mind Lucene update actually I'm all for it but I don't have the time(now) to deal with bugs caused by API breaking release so if someone wants to update he will have to sign up for them - i.e. becoming the official maintainer.
Unfortunately I do not have enough java programming experience to help you in fixing problems.
Thanks for your answer.
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