On Tue, 2014-09-09 at 10:34 +0200, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
On Mon, 2014-09-08 at 23:26 -0700, Adam Williamson wrote:
On Mon, 2014-09-08 at 09:00 -0500, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
On Mon, 2014-09-08 at 10:06 +0200, Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos wrote:
Unfortunately only NSS works. Both openssl and gnutls fail to connect to popular sites because of that change. It should not be assumed that the users of ca-certificates are only programs using nss.
[1] is an interesting read. I get the impression that certificates are being removed as long as there is a compatible replacement that NSS can validate, based on NSS's custom strategies for certificate validation. Is this claim accurate?
"Custom strategies" is an interesting concept. AFAICS, the TLS standard:
does not exactly define 'standard' certificate verification strategies, so in a sense, they're *all* "custom". In other words, we're in good old Standard Ambiguity Land here. What that doc has to say about chains, AFAICS, is:
You are referring to wrong document. Certificate validation is outside the scope of TLS, and as you already notice it only mentions the format of the chain and nothing more. A Certificate Path validation algorithm is defined in RFC5280 by the PKIX working group which is (or was) the relevant group for X.509 certificates in IETF.
Ah, indeed, missed that one. Thanks.
So it may be that everyone uses a slightly different verification algorithm, but we should expect at least the base-line to work. We should not require software to be NSS.
I think you're making a good point, but possibly too strongly...the ca-certificates folks are just trying to keep the database strong, it's not as if they set out to 'require software to be NSS'. As I mentioned, the folks maintaining the ca-certificates package are the same folks behind the Shared System Certificates feature - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/SharedSystemCertificates - which required a whole chunk of work to get the major TLS engines using the same certificate store; they're certainly not unfamiliar with openssl and gnutls, I don't think. The database uses NSS's certificate list as its starting point because it's the strongest contender for such a role, I think.
Your report has already been taken up for action, it appears:
"I think Symantec should reach out to Amazon, and potentially to other customers, too, and suggest to remove intermediates from their server configurations that point to these old roots."
"Brian, thanks for the pointer. I will work with our team to see about getting our cert chains updated for S3. Leaving in needinfo until I have more data." (from an Amazon employee)
so...it seems like wheels are in motion. Note that the updates for both F19 and F20 are still in u-t and have not been pushed stable yet...as Kai explicitly sent the update to u-t with a high auto-push threshold and sent this email out to ask people to report cases where it caused problems, I'd say things are working out more or less as intended, you've raised an issue and it's being dealt with.