please do not axe dovecot. it's the first imap server that runs out of the box without major trouble.
On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 12:07:27 -0500, Chuck R. Anderson wrote:
On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 12:09:44AM -0500, Eric Warnke wrote:
dovecot/cryus - IMAP server cyrus does seem more like a specialty package when compared to the simplcity and utility of dovecot. OTOH cyrus is maintained for RHEL and other packages depends on cyrus-sasl. The community definatly appears to favor keeping dovecot and letting cyrus be religated to extras.
If cyrus-sasl can't be separated easily from cyrus IMAP, then it needs to stay. sasl is an authentication library that is needed by many components of LDAP/Kerberos authentication strategies.