Furthermore the driver distributed is not patched for well-known bugs with the patches here: http://www.minion.de/files/1.0-6629/
What are these patches for?
To tell you the truth I am not entirely sure about most of them. However I know the 18k one fixes a memory leak that improves performance. I can find links for most of those patches on the Nvidia forums posted by Zander, which I believe is the Nvidia Linux contact there.
Mixing the rpms from livna and the scipt installer is not and will never be supported by livna.org.
That's obvious. I suppose if the driver was patched I could rebuild the package like you say and it would be easier.
- Livna.org sync-ed against Rawhide.
Won't happen anytime soon, but see above for a very simple fix.
This discussion was about pros and cons of extras. That's why I brought this up. This is one great disavantage of extras and livna for me compared to Core.
- updated xorg-x11 packaging to separate the Mesa GL stuff
- some sort of alternatives system or post-install scripts to find correct provider of libGL.so.1
This already works with the rpms.
It does not. That should have been libGL.so. See my other mail for details.
That doesn't include the SElinux bug in the strict policy where udev needs to restorecon devices from /usr/etc/devices. I've filed this in bugzilla and I assume it's being resolved.
If you don't uninstall the Mesa libGL/libGLU rpms, you can compile against those. If you want Nvidia-specific features, use -L/usr/lib/nvidia -I/usr/include/nvidia.
The Mesa libGL rpms conflict with the Nvidia ones. If they are not uninstalled I get graphical glitches and performance problems. The GL client and server versions differ. I suppose that's because they're both in the linker path
Ivan Gyurdiev ivg2@cornell.edu Cornell University