On Monday 20 April 2009, Adam Miller wrote:
I was unfortunately not able to get to the packages that are mine the other day, but I was able to start some work on them today. Here is my question at risk of sounding like I have no clue what I'm doing: "What process should I follow to verify that I have fixed the issue?". I read the wiki link that was posted (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Debuginfo) and did verify that one of the packages in question (shed) had a -s in the install section of the makefile, so I created a patch for the Makefile.in and wanted to find a way to test the resulting package before submitting it as a patch or a fix.
Quick surface check: build the package, look at the build logs and verify that the expected $RPM_OPT_FLAGS (not only -g) are there and that there are no "install -s", "gcc -s", "ld -s", "strip" or the like in it, run rpm -qlp (or rpmls) on the debuginfo package, verify that it contains both *.debug as well as source files. The new debuginfo package should also be larger, sometimes much larger, than the non-fixed one.